4. Matt Taibbi presents
4. Matt Taibbi presents
Divided We Fall I read the novel Divided We Fall by the author Trent Reedy. If I were to give this book an alternative title it would be The First Shot. The story provided me with entertaining and plentiful details that helped develop the setting.…
Nate Londa's visual piece depicts a gray and dreary background with a toddler still in his or her diaper turning on the tv to watch violence through war, fighting, gun-play, and destruction. Below the errie illustration, the title is in bold letters, "Silence the Violence"(Londa). The picture creates the argument that children still in their diapers can be exposed to an array of violence through media and can become aggressive by watching such programs. The drawing is powerful, and so are the words and facts at the top of the piece. The words and the picture include all the foundations of designing a persuasive argument: logos, pathos, and ethos.…
The three time Olympic champion and Inductee to the Track and Field Hall of Fame Gail Devers once said, “Sometimes we fall, sometimes we stumble, but we can’t stay down. Everything happens for a reason, and it builds character in us, and it tells us what we are about and how strong we really are when we didn’t think we could be strong.” In Unbroken written by Laura Hillenbrand, Louie Zamperini showed that he could be loyal to his friends in their time of need. Louie like a loyal dog never gave up on his friends when they were in their time of need and was always supportive of them. When Louie didn’t think that he had the strength to keep fighting for survival and for the benefit of his friends he always found the strength to pull through. Throughout all the hardships that kept getting worse for Louie but with the help of his friends he was able to become stronger so that they could get through the war together.…
In the book “The Work: My search for a life that matters" by Wes Moore, he interviews many people who have found a balance between doing something that matters to them and doing something to help others. One of these stories is about a woman by the name of Esther Benjamin. Esther was born in a small village of Sri Lanka in May 1969. Her dad was a Methodist minister and Old Testament theologian and her mother had a college education and was a very talented athlete.…
Reading Between the world and me by Ta-Nehisi Coates was a great experience. Coates writes his fifteen-year-old son a letter discussing his “struggles with being Black in America”, and he offers his son truth about the shackles of the streets and school, an apology for his fear and for his “learned hardness”, and a way out of being unshackled from his “history”, his “assigned Blackness”. Coates shares the harsh truth about growing up in Baltimore. Coates explains that the shackles of the streets were a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation”. It was either looking down the barrel of a gun held by a young boy or getting beat by his father for letting another boy steal from him “Not being violent enough could cost me my body.…
Dave Barry wrote columns for the Daily Local News and for the Miami Herald. For years, he wrote a column that appeared in more than 500 newspapers, which gained some negative attention. Despite the many people that requested Barry be fired for his sarcastic humor in the column, he won a Pulitzer Prize. He has also written more than thirty books and two of his books inspired the show called Dave’s World. I wonder how Barry got started writing humorous pieces and if he has always liked that writing technique.…
Mike Ferguson once said, America 's doctors, nurses and medical researchers are the best in the world, but our health care system is broken. The employees inside the U.S. health care system are some of the best in the world, but the way the system is implemented is broken. The book America’s Bitter Pill, written by Steven Brill, takes an in depth look at the health care system in America. It goes in depth about Obamacare and how it was written, being installed, and changing or failing to change the system. The writing of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, was a tedious and difficult project.…
Author, Stuart Ewen, in his essay “Chosen People” talks about how the middle class has fooled America. The middle class is presented as an imaginary structure in American society. The middle class is an illusion to Americans; it has changed the meaning of the American dream. Ewen throughout his essay shows how the middle class was created in the United States. Ewen then moves the industrial revolution created, such as the perceptions.…
Tony Horwitz, the author of the Novel “Midnight Rising: John Brown and the Raid that Sparked the Civil War”, was born in Washington D.C. and graduated from Brown University and Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. Horwitz was an award winning national reporter for The Wall Street Journal, where he covered foreign wars and conflicts. He has won countless awards for his books, including “Midnight Rising”, which was named a New York Times Notable Book of 2011 and won the 2012 William Henry Seward Award for Excellence in Civil War Biography. The award winning Novel “Midnight Rising” discusses the importance of John Brown’s Raid that took place during 1859, right before the start of the Civil War. Horwitz claims that this same raid was the biggest factor that caused the Civil War.…
Doctors within Borders: the Politics of Health County: Life, Death and Politics at Chicago 's Public Hospital, written by David A. Ansell, follows the life of the doctor throughout his residency at Cook County Hospital and his personal encounters with health inequalities. Reading the first fourteen chapters, I got a glimpse into my career path as an aspiring urban doctor (urban as in both: a person of color and a focus on highly populated, under-represented areas). The path of concentrating on the less fortunate is not an easy one, but it is necessary to advance the medical field and trust in doctors. Dr. Ansell presents three major themes: inequities in care, politics as it relates to the healthcare system, and the role of health professionals to initiate this change. County is a call of action; however, similar to their protest it must be…
More than 2 in 3 adults and about one-third of children are considered to be overweight or obese. In his article “What You Eat Is Your Business,” Radley Balko claims the idea that we should take responsibility of what we eat instead of blaming the government for it. Balko argues that the way the government is spending a lot of money for anti obesity measure isn’t the right approach to prevent obesity. In contrast, in David Zinczenko’s article “Don’t Blame The Eater,” he insists how the fast food industries are to be blamed for the problem of obesity in America. He explains how the rate of diabetes in children has dramatically increased because of the negative effects of the fast food restaurants.…
In his article, If Most Police Officers Are 'Good Cops, ' These Are Even Better, Nick Wing argues that great cops are the cops that put humanity before the badge; he argues that great cops see themselves as human first, and a cop second. In his article, Wing argues that a great cop uses his or her badge to do good for a community and that his or her first duty and improving the human experience for everyone. Nick Wing concludes that a great cop understands that it is not “them vs. us,” instead it is just us—one community of people. To illustrate his point Nick Wing uses real life examples of cops who spoke out against the police injustice, shared a sincere moment with someone outside of the police community, and or marched and/or protested…
In his autobiographical novel, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Dan Millman inspires and empowers as he takes readers along his spiritual journey of learning important life lessons that apply to both his gymnastic career and personal life. Overall, life seems to be going in Dan’s favor. To his friends and family, he is a good student and talented gymnast at the University of California, Berkeley. Despite his achievements, a feeling of frustration overcomes, and Dan realizes he is not completely fulfilled with his life. His anxieties lead to many troubled, sleepless nights.…
Introduction • A shoe brand called the Hush Puppies became popular out of nowhere between 1994-1995. • The crime rates in New York dropped drastically in 1995. • When small factors causes something to become an epidemic or trend, it is known as a "Tipping Point". Chapter One-…
George Kelling and Mark Moore (2002) argue that American police agencies entered a new “community era” of policing over twenty years ago. Constant changes to the way police operate has been a constant theme from the beginning of policing history. Kelling and Moore (2002) examine the progression of police strategies in detail dividing them into three distinct eras: the political era, the reform era, and the community era. The community era emerged around the same time James Wilson and George Kelling (1982) proposed the “Broken Windows” theory linking disorder and incivility to subsequent occurrences of serious crime, a major implication of the community era’s organizational strategy. Wilson and Kelling’s (1982) theory influenced American policing…