Nate Londa's visual piece depicts a gray and dreary background with a toddler still in his or her diaper turning on the tv to watch violence through war, fighting, gun-play, and destruction. Below the errie illustration, the title is in bold letters, "Silence the Violence"(Londa). The picture creates the argument that children still in their diapers can be exposed to an array of violence through media and can become aggressive by watching such programs. The drawing is powerful, and so are the words and facts at the top of the piece. The words and the picture include all the foundations of designing a persuasive argument: logos, pathos, and ethos.…
Kierstin Flint Mrs. Atnip English 2 Period 2 2 November 2015 Friendship A Relationship in One During a lifetime friendships are the most important bond that people can form. These friendships are alive throughout all generations and we use the skills we learn to continue making new relationships. Throughout the novel, A Separate Peace, the author, John Knowles, displays the good things about close friendships but also the hardships that often occur. Gene and Finny, two boys that attend Devon school, grow emotionally and physically despite their opposite personalities.…
In The Divide, Matt Taibbi conveys to the reader the different, and often overlooked, side of policing. Taibbi argues that large cities started arresting anyone who looked suspicious or may have committed a crime. Even though violent crimes and felonies had decrease, New York's mayor Rudy Giuliani created a policing system where anyone could be stopped without probable cause. Taibbi states that police began to "fan out into neighborhoods like commercial fisherman, throwing nets over whole city blocks and making as many arrests as they could.…
Rein M. Melba Patillo helped to change the way her town, state, and country viewed integration and racial equality; the ordeals she went through helped shape her own views. Warriors Don?t Cry by Melba Patillo-Beales, an autobiography, gives people an inside look at the struggles and obstacles African-Americans faced during their fight for racial equality. The events of the Central High integration, though a nationally regarded issue, also shaped the views and outlooks of the people involved. The trials of the integration of Central High have shown Melba?s incredible determination. After being accepted into the school, even people from her own local community discourage her.…
Chapter seven is titled “Waging War on Civilians” (171). This chapter talks about the rules of war, targeting civilians, Sherman, and Sheridan’s burning of the Shenandoah Valley (174, 176, 180, 195). In the beginning of this chapter, DiLorenzo discusses what is considered a war crime and describes how it can be punishable to imprisonment or even death (174).One rule of war was that the fight is to be between soldiers and not include civilians; however, Lincoln had been waging war on civilians for years. DiLorenzo then discusses the fact that Lincoln’s most trusted generals, including Sherman, had been waging war on civilians for years also (181). He then points out further evidence of the importance these wars on civilians had in Lincoln’s war strategies.…
The narrative, “A Story of War and Change” by Reza Kiarash details the gruesome horror of the Iran-Iraq war through the experiences of the author as a paramedic within the Iranian army. What is immediately noticeable by the reader is how the author recounts his memory in short, staccato esque sentences. Evidence of such is provided when the author writes “ Yes, it is”. The lack of sentence sophistication helps immerse the reader into the atmosphere of the campaign the author is fighting in. As events escalate further within the story, the choppy sentences help create an aura of urgency for the reader.…
Our Language “For others, it is to share and spread also those words that are meaningful to us. But primarily for us all, it is necessary to teach by living and speaking those truths which we believe and know beyond understanding,” from “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action” by Audre Lorde. Within our society women are viewed with a lower status than men just because of their use of indirect speech. This is mainly due to how children are brought up within their cultures and ultimately society. However in other cultures, indirectness is used by both genders and it does not reflects one’s status.…
Author, Stuart Ewen, in his essay “Chosen People” talks about how the middle class has fooled America. The middle class is presented as an imaginary structure in American society. The middle class is an illusion to Americans; it has changed the meaning of the American dream. Ewen throughout his essay shows how the middle class was created in the United States. Ewen then moves the industrial revolution created, such as the perceptions.…
Not everyone likes to give up when you are in some sort of bad situation or a situation that hurts you, you want to stay tough, but sometimes giving up is okay. In the story “The Fight” by Adam Bagdasarian, the main character, Will, learns that sometimes giving up is okay. Even if you want to stay tough and you want to look cool if you are getting hurt in someway sometimes giving up is okay. Throughout the story, Will starts to realize that sometimes giving up is okay.…
This book is very effective in hitting upon the most important points of the warrior ethos and does so in a book that took me less than an hour to…
The Legacy and Consequences of War In his coming-of-age novel, A Separate Peace, John Knowles tells the story of Gene Forrester and the struggles he faces – both internal and external. While Gene’s external struggles revolve mainly around world affairs at large; his internal struggles prove to be his greatest obstacle to overcome. The following excerpt demonstrates the struggle of consequences as being like a chain-reaction and how it destructively affects his best friend Phineas, “I took a step towards him… jounced the limb… his balance gone… and then he tumbled… broke through the branches below and hit the bank with a sickening unnatural thud… with unthinking sureness I moved… jumped into the river, every trace of my fear forgotten” (Knowles…
Jon Krakauer wrote Into the Wild to capture Chris McCandless’s dream of freedom in the wilderness. In his book, Krakauer tells about Chris McCandless and his life of adventure. Believing he was living a dull life, Chris wanted to go out into the word and experience what nature had to offer. Chris McCandless walked into happiness in that he liberated himself from emotionally charged human interaction; he was finally free, and he was able to experience adventure through the wild. Even though he walked in happiness, he was walking away from misery in the fact that he was leaving all of his troubles behind; however Chris was ultimately walking into happiness considering that the wilderness and adventure truly made him happy.…
He ignores rules to save lives, despite the danger that he may face. This is evident when Charlie poaches off the Colonel’s land. While this may seem like something he did just to be rebellious, it was actually because “there was no money” and they “were becoming very hungry.” This highlights how Charlie was prepared to do whatever it took to make sure his family had food. He would do anything to help his family survive because he cares about his family, and wants to make sure they don't die.…
The Importance of Characters The novel Power by Linda Hogan is mainly about Native American culture and its conflict with White culture. Throughout the novel we learn of many interesting characters that play important roles. Without any one of them the story would not be the same.…
The Attack is a novel based on a true story that evolves around the calm and comfortable life of Dr. Amin Jaafari, a well-known surgeon who lives in Tel-Aviv with his wife Sihem. All goes wrong when Jaafari realizes that his beloved wife was killed in a suicide bombing in a large building near his location at the time. When evidence builds that Sihem could have been a factor in the catastrophic bombing. Dr. Amin Jaafari starts a searched to find an end to the unrest he is experiencing. As he continues his extremely detailed search, he had come to realize that she may have had a another life, one that was completely removed from the modern, comfortable existence they shared as a happy couple.…