Why We Should Be Sentenced To Life In Prison

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Getting sentenced to life in prison is scary. We are used to sentencing adults to life in prison all the time that it's so normal to us. We really don't care about adults because they're adults and they knew what they were getting into by making the decisions they made. When adults get sentenced to life in prison usually because they committed a first or second degree murder. Now imagine being a 12 year old whose life is just begging and you're being told you're going to be behind bars for the rest of your life. By telling a child that you're basically telling them that they're dead already and there life is over. Yes they may have committed a first or second degree murder, but I agree with the supreme court that they shouldn't be sentenced to life in prison because their brains aren't fully developed, …show more content…
Children when they reach a certain age which is the teenage age they start going through puberty. While they are going through puberty their brain stop developing because their brain starts losing tissue. Since your brain is not developing it's unimproving which means you're not getting smarter, since you're not getting smarter you going to make really bad decisions. This is what's happening with teenagers they commit first or second degree murder because their brain is not fully developed. In “ Startling finds on teenage brains” By Paul Thompson he States “Brain cells and connections are only being lost in the areas controlling impulses, risk-taking, and self-control these frontal lobes which inhabit our violent passions, rash actions, and regulate our emotions are vastly immature throughout the teenage years”.Our brain is what controls everything we do so if it's not developing it's not helping us. In the article Thompson also states that “ at a rate of 1% to 2% a year”, This is how much the brain is developing overtime which is causing teenagers to make stupid decisions because they are getting

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