However, when contracted by pregnant women, the virus may be linked with microcephaly (underdeveloped skull and brain) in affected developing babies. So basically, Zika virus affects the pregnant women and their fetus once bitten by infected mosquito. Unlike Black Death, Zika is not deadly;…
This is near twice the amount as the Bubonic Plague in the fourteenth century. Even though Zika is nowhere near these kinds of levels, or is as dangerous, everyone is affected (Kounalakis). The 2016 summer Olympics held in Rio this year are facing hardships due to the Zika Outbreak. Rio looked at the summer Olympics as a way to gain economic, social, and political stability. This stability would come in the form of avid tourism and “positive country branding.”…
Recently, a tremendous news coverage on the topic of the Zika virus and its potential connection to Microcephaly have occurred. Does anyone know what the medical condition named Microcephaly is? Well, Microcephaly literally translates to small brain, and children born with this illness have abnormally small heads and brains. This condition can be genetic, or caused through external factors such as drugs, alcohol, or viruses. As the Zika virus spreads, an increasing number of cases of Microcephaly does as well, hence its suspected link to the Zika virus.…
Is Rio, a suitable host for the Olympics, has been the subject of much debate in the media recently. It is in response to this discussion that Chris Berg has written his article "Rio's financial crisis reveals the moral bankruptcy of the Olympics" and Mark Knight has also drawn a cartoon. In his article, published in The ABC News on 21 June 2016, Berg contends in a frustrated and critical tone that it is the epitome of government waste. Berg's intended audience seem to be comprised of the people watching the Olympics, and he develops an upsetting persona for himself to appeal to this readership. Similarly, in his cartoon, published in the Herald Sun on 6 August 2016, Knight contends in an old and downy tone to show the slums of Brazil.…
The committee also saw the success of the winter games that they had held and assumed that this would be like that if not better. One of the things the Nazis didn’t really take into account is that other countries…
Children complain about how their parents do not let them do what they want and how life is “unfair”. They may not get to go out on a Friday night or go to their friends house whenever they want; however, even though it may feel horrible to these kids, the unfortunate times they go through is nothing compared to those of children with the rare condition microcephaly. Microcephaly, a neurological birth defect in which an infants head is tinier than normal when contrasted to infants of the same gender and age, has many causes and symptoms associated with it (Facts 2). Gwen Hartley from Kansas knows the symptoms associated with microcephaly all to well as she has two daughters with the condition. At three months of age, Gwen’s first daughter Claire was diagnosed with microcephaly.…
“This is by far the worst water quality we’ve ever seen in our sailing careers,” said Ivan Bulaja, a coach for an Austrian team training at Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro, where the 2016 Olympics will be held. The waters are polluted with sewage, dead fish, and trash, posing a serious threat to athletes training or competing there. Kristina Mena, a professor of public health, is an expert in water quality, and conducted a risk test for athletes competing in the waters Rio, assuming they would consume three teaspoons, which is far less than athletes say they take in. " The levels of viruses are so high in these Brazilian waters that if we saw those levels here in the United States on beaches, officials would likely close those beaches," Mena said.…
It would also create less interest among the public as it deprives them from entertaining features like the unique opening ceremonies seen at each Olympics. Jenkins (2007) has stated that “the vast majority of people questioned preferred the Olympics to be held in a different city…
It’s amazing how many horrible acts the Nazi’s were already commiting were simply over looked. Most large and small nations still participated in the Games, which helped Hitler and the Nazi ’s keep their charade and illusion of a peaceful, nice, and great nation going. They were able to portray themselves as a negotiable country, that other countries could work with. Perhaps the Nazi Regime could have been stopped earlier if other countries would have had a backbone, and boycotted the Olympics.…
Microcephaly is the stunted growth of the head itself that entails a head circumference below the fifth percentile on the growth chart…
First of all, In 2008, Qatar had lost the bid for the right to host the 2016 Summer Olympics because it was deemed unfit; then in 2010, FIFA had chosen Qatar as host of 2022 World Cup, which led to series of allegations that there was corruption involved. Back in 2008, when Qatar submitted a bid to host…
Some people are optimistic when it comes to the world around them, they see the good in the bad and hope that it shines. The proverb Gold glitters even in mud can be about optimism and originates from lithuanian culture. Even when things go bad there might be something good,gold is still gold even when it's dirty. The proverb fits into today's society because people believe that optimism is a good thing. People believe that it's good to stay positive.…
Intro Choosing a host country for an Olympic Game is one of the most important decisions the International Olympic Committee makes. Countries that desire to host the Olympic Games go through three stages of the candidature process and after the long seven- year process, the host country for the Game is announced ( Countries propose their candidature to host the Olympics for different reasons. Some of them hope to achieve economic growth by hosting the Game, some want to strengthen their position in the international arena, and others hope to introduce a new sector of investment in the country, such as tourism.…
The current year, 2016, has been an eventful year to say the least. One thing that is often overlooked when reviewing the top news stories of the year is the environmental challenges countries have had to face globally. During the summer of 2016, a world renowned event occurred in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, The Summer Olympics. There were many controversies over the location of this year’s Olympics, as Rio is home to many political, social, and environmental issues. One of the environmental issues that was brought to light was the contaminated waters in the city.…
Corruption in the Olympics Over the summer I, not unlike many others around the world, watched the Olympics. Next year, however, it is important to begin the process of converting the games to be more beneficial for everyone involved. As of right now, the Olympics are damaging to the hosts morally, environmentally and financially. Step one to purifying this major event is raising awareness.…