Should Students Be Required To Learn A Second Language Essay

Improved Essays
Why a Second Language Should Be Required

Imagine traveling to a different country and getting to communicate to the land people. Imagine a person applying for a high paying job and getting hired because their brain able to retain and study information. Imagine a person’s brain being so far along compared to others that it delays the onset of diseases. All of these things are factors students will receive when learning a foreign language. Students should be required to learn a foreign language in school because it better equips their brain, knocks out competitors in the job market, and improves brain health.
More and more immigrants are traveling to America each year in search of the “American Dream”. Most of those immigrants already know English. In order for American students to stand out, they need to learn another language to make them look more complex between other competitors, which lowers the competition and gives them different
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Men handshake until they know someone really well, after that they hug. Knowing the etiquette in different countries is important because students don’t want to offend the person and lose another opportunity. “Languages aren’t taught in a vacuum, they necessarily must also include lessons in history, cuisine and even etiquette. Learning a language helps student’s appreciate a new country in ways they wouldn’t otherwise. They’ll understand why things are done in a certain way and learn to appreciate new cultures for those reasons” (Long). Students wouldn’t want to offend anyone by doing things wrong or not knowing what to do. Some countries think it’s an insult to leave food on their plate at another person’s house, but some countries think it’s polite to leave food on their plate. With that being said, students would want to know the language which they would learn in class, to get the full on experience of

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