If Only We Mistake Two Language Analysis

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If Only We Spoke Two Languages By Ariel Dorfman is an editorial which explains the importance of knowing two or more languages. Ariel Dorfman is a human rights activist and A professor of literature, he has written many books, and writes for the New York Times, The Washington Post, and many others which would make him a credible source. Dorfman has credentials in the area he is discussing because he is an immigrant who experienced the lack of multilingualism in America when he had to move to Manhattan for hospital treatment with no one speaking Spanish there, forcing him to never speak spanish again for 10 years. Dorfman uses his books and articles he has written to try to show and explain reasons for why America should adapt to a second language. …show more content…
Utilizing and alternating these different text structures was successful in portraying why America should be multilingual. The sentence sequence of telling his experience of coming to a monolingual country and losing his own language for 10 years then transitioning why it would be beneficial for America to have a second language while explaining how it could be done helps the reader get more of an idea of why the issue should be solved. Within this sequence it talks about the problem with only having one primary language and explains his solution of teaching kids a second language starting in kindergarten. This includes examples to the beneficial reasons for obtaining a second language and comparing America, who is considered to be monolingual, and other countries of which are multilingual. Overall, these text structures help understand and persuade them with the idea of multilingualism in …show more content…
The article is convincing as he uses personal experiences and seems to gather other people's responses to the topic, meaning that this could be an issue in America and will soon change to the fact that people want people who know how to speak other languages. The only issue with this paper is that it seems to have only personal data and not much of other peoples experiences with this topic, as many foreigners may agree or disagree with this topic. If it had used more of other people's opinions than it would be even

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