Advantages And Disadvantages Of Teaching Ells In Their Native Language

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1. What are the advantages of teaching ELLs in their native language? And what might be some disadvantages?

Teaching ELLs in their native language provides them with a solid foundation and easier development of language, enhanced thinking skills, and concepts that are clarified and organized. In addition, students are able to think in more abstract ways and because they are learning math, science, and social studies, as well as reading, in their native language, background experience is being developed. Some disadvantages that mav derive from teaching students in their native languages include the fear of speaking English due to lack of practice and increased comfort speaking in their native languages, the lack of immersion of instructors and peers in the English language which may slow down the process of English language acquisition, and children may have a hard time generating different words and concepts from other subjects into English, after being taught them in their own languages.

2. What are some basic features that a literacy program for ELLs should include? And what are some ways in which instruction might be adapted for ELLs?

Literacy programs for ELLs should be sure to include:

a secure, caring environment comprehensible input from teachers through the use of modeling, running commentary, and expansions the building of academic language and the extensive use oral language in the classroom
Instruction for ELLs might be adapted by gearing questions and
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What are some steps that might be taken to help students with learning disabilities, ADD, mental retardation, or gifted students develop literacy?

There are many things teachers can do to help both students with disabilities, gifted and talented students, and even general education students develop literacy. It would be beneficial for teachers to:

Provide students with tasks that are meaningful, interesting, and appropriate to their reading levels.
Allow students to work in cooperative

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