As a child, one looks to their parents in admiration and, for the most part, follows what they say. Now, as a parent, they have a great deal of control on their child’s life. If a parent is unhappy with an influence in their child’s life they simply pull them away. However, a parent still must give their child certain needs in order to be seen as fit. For example, a parent needs to be able to feed and clothe them, send them to school, and make sure they receive medical care like vaccinations. However, a trend has emerged where parents choose to not give their children vaccinations. While this trend is not very large or wide spread, it has still shown its face in polls on the Pew Research Center. According to a poll taken on August …show more content…
Without it, one is perceived as less intelligent and less reliable. According to the statistics, there is a slight difference in the polls about vaccinating children between those who are and those who are not educated. The article on Pew Research Center states, “There are also differences based on race and educational attainment…. And 14% of those with a high school diploma or less believe that vaccines are unsafe, compared with just 6% of those with some college experience or more” (Anderson). However, an article written by counters this by listing that whether vaccines should be a parent’s choice or if vaccines are safe for children are “issues where educational attainment and knowledge effects are weaker or not significant” (Funk and Raine). This view is could be true considering that in the article “83% Say Measles Vaccine” features quotes from people that said the measles vaccine was unsafe, shown in fig. 1. The responses from the participants all seem to not really understand how vaccines work or there affect on children. …show more content…
It is most likely just appearing because of the increase in the amount of vaccines required paired with the little information given to the parents. Also, today it is easier than ever to not vaccinate one’s child and so parents are considering it as an option. Finally, with the increase of technology, many religious persons fear that they would stray from God if they would indulge in them. This becoming an issue because as stated in the article written by Wilhelmina L M Ruijs, in 2012 there were outbreaks of diseases that could have been prevented with vaccines and the ones to blame are the parents that are not vaccinating their kids. If this continues to grow it can also, become a problem in the