Childhood Vaccinations Should Be Mandatory

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Childhood vaccinations are very important in today’s century. Vaccines are injections or shots that can help prevent deadly disease. Vaccines work by giving the body immunity to certain diseases without getting the actual disease itself. Even though they are not mandatory, all 50 states require children to have certain vaccines to enter public schools. Each year vaccines save approximately 2.5 million children from preventable disease, and ones that agree with mandatory vaccinations say that they are safe; in fact ones who agree say that vaccinations are one of the best health developments today ( Without them most everyone would be sick with some disease and would cause many deaths. Child vaccinations should be mandatory in all …show more content…
The only way to ensure health for all of the nation is by having primary health care (Immunization should be mandatory). Just like medicine, vaccinations can cause reactions. These reactions are normally only a little soreness or redness where the shot is given, and sometimes cause a low grade fever; however this only last a day or two (Important for Public Health). Vaccinations are monitored by CDC and FDA to make sure vaccinations and all of the ingredients used in them are safe. Before vaccinations can be licensed the FDA requires10 years or more of testing for all vaccinations. Aluminum is an ingredient used in vaccinations, but is not used in large quantities therefore it is not harmful. According to “Children are exposed to more aluminum in breast milk and formula than they are in vaccination.” In fact according to “Children are exposed more bacteria, viruses, toxins, and other harmful substances in day of normal activity than they are in vaccinations.” One side effects of vaccines is to have a severe allergic reaction, but this is extremely rare. It only occurs in one per million vaccinations. According to Sanjay Gupta, chief medical correspondent and practicing neuro surgeon “You are 100 times more likely to be struck by lightning than to have a serious allergic reaction to a vaccine.” Also, according to Ellen Clayton, M.D., “The MMR vaccination does not cause autism, the MMR and DTaP does not cause type 1 diabetes, and the killed flu vaccine does not cause bell’s palsy, and it does not trigger episodes of asthma”

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