First kids don't get the correct hours of sleep. Kids age 12-18 need to get 8-9 hours of sleep per night. When kids don't get enough sleep they are really tired. The number of hours that are needed for not to be tired is nine hours and twenty minutes. If, kids don't get that amount they will be tired and not perform as well as they would of if they had the right amount of sleep they needed.When a kid doesn't sleep they will be groggy in the morning. Kids need 1.7-2 hours of deep sleep every night to get their energy back. That is why kids need 8-9 hours of sleep each night. …show more content…
The child will be tired and out of it. He may think that he is making the right choice but in reality they are making the wrong choice. They might not get as good grades as a person who get the nine hours of sleep the night before the test. The kids might get in trouble for fighting someone because they are so tired and think that they are doing the correct thing but they are actually hurting another human being. The kids the school need a ton of