The power company is unable to limit the power to specific devices or appliances on your power grid in favor of another. This same principle should apply to the Internet. The Internet service providers otherwise known as ISPs should not be able to set priority on some websites over others. It is a utility the public should be able to use at their disposal. In a hypothetical scenario, an IPS wants to make its own media streaming services to compete with established companies. If net neutrality is not present, the ISP would be able to block these other streaming services, so users are forced to use theirs. Many areas of the nation only have one ISP in that location and those populations could potentially be locked out of portions of the Internet without any other options. Instead of innovating and improving upon what previous companies had established, this hypothetical ISP was able to eliminate the competition. If they were not able to entirely block the sites, they could put their own services through an Internet fast lane. A fast lane does not make the Internet to their services faster though. It just slows the entire Internet down and forces their service or site to be the only one
The power company is unable to limit the power to specific devices or appliances on your power grid in favor of another. This same principle should apply to the Internet. The Internet service providers otherwise known as ISPs should not be able to set priority on some websites over others. It is a utility the public should be able to use at their disposal. In a hypothetical scenario, an IPS wants to make its own media streaming services to compete with established companies. If net neutrality is not present, the ISP would be able to block these other streaming services, so users are forced to use theirs. Many areas of the nation only have one ISP in that location and those populations could potentially be locked out of portions of the Internet without any other options. Instead of innovating and improving upon what previous companies had established, this hypothetical ISP was able to eliminate the competition. If they were not able to entirely block the sites, they could put their own services through an Internet fast lane. A fast lane does not make the Internet to their services faster though. It just slows the entire Internet down and forces their service or site to be the only one