This issue is about constitutional privacy rights of U.S. citizens and how it relates to national security. When is the government going too far to protect us? According to NSA director Keith Alexander, there …show more content…
The concept of net neutrality, an Obama-era regulation that prohibits internet service providers from speeding up, slowing down or blocking any content, applications or websites you want to use, according to, is a necessary rule that will keep citizens free and private and keep the internet neutral, hence the name. The law is necessary because without regulations, large corporations can monitor what we see on the internet, and there will be no way for us to know what is real and what is not. There will be no truth or freedom of press except what multinational, billionaire corporations want us to …show more content…
The Federal Communications Commission voted to get rid of the regulation, which was met with backlash from millions across the country. Without the regulation, companies have the freedom to block any content they want to. They can block political websites with opinions they don’t like, or simply charge their users more to view it. Blocking this type of content is harmful for many reasons. It is a blatant constitutional violation. This violation of the freedom of press is distressing, because it will affect marginalized communities in catastrophic ways.
The internet is how most oppressed communities, including women, people of color, LGBTQ+ communities, and indigenous peoples organize much needed efforts to fight against systematic oppression. The only reason they are able to organize and raise awareness about crucial current events and issues that affect them is because of how quickly the internet can spread it to other people. Without free, unmodified, and unmonitored internet, these communities will be put a step back in their fight. News articles and live streams covering these issues will be silenced and blocked from the public,