Mark Zuckerberg: Making The World Is Connected To The Internet

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Did you know that only one-third of the world is connected to the internet? That is 2.7 billion people. is a project Mark Zuckerberg, along with six other software and electronics companies, is working on to bring the other four billion on-board (Rusli). The intention is to bring aid to less developed countries by giving them free basic Internet services, such as weather, news, health information, and of course, Facebook. According to Mark Zuckerberg, the objective is to make the world more open and connected. “I believe it is one of the greatest challenges of our generation.” He continues, “Everyone deserves to be connected,” (Zuckerberg). However, there has been backlash from global internet activists regarding net neutrality and the likelihood that people will be misled into thinking Facebook is the entire Internet. Indian publishers have been especially vocal saying the app is too limited and object to Facebook’s gatekeeper approach to what websites are available (Lapowski). Although I see the point of the protesters, I believe that by focusing on the real or imagined negatives, they are overlooking the bigger positive outcome of providing essential services to those who have none. On August 20, 2013, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook along with Samsung Electronics Co., QUALCOMM Inc., Ericsson, Nokia Corp., MediaTek Inc., and Opera Software launched to aid emerging economies by providing fundamental web access in developing countries. …show more content…
“There are huge barriers in developing countries to connecting and joining the knowledge economy,” said Mark Zuckerberg. “ brings together a global partnership that will work to overcome these challenges, including making Internet access available to those who cannot currently afford it.” “The idea, he said, is to develop a group of basic Internet services that would be free of charge to use --- a 911 for the Internet” (Lunden). So far has connected 9 million people ( Myths and Facts). “I 'm focused on this because I believe it is one of the greatest challenges of our generation,” said Zuckerberg (Rusli). Despite good intentions, has been criticized for violating net neutrality and favoring Facebook 's services over its rivals (Sharma). …show more content…
Indian activists have stated the app of “being just a Facebook proxy targeting India 's poor.” This is because the free app service provides only restricted Internet access to subscribers in India (Murthy).
What is net neutrality? It is the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications whatever the source, without favoring or blocking particular products or websites (Snyder).
Recently Indian publishers decided to remove their services from the app claiming it violates the fundamental concepts of net neutrality. The app offers users in emerging countries entrance to a select group of services such as Facebook, news sites, and health information, all without paying any data charges. Protesters complain that giving away some services and not the entire internet is not fair to services that aren 't available on the app.
Mark Zuckerberg defends the project countering: “Arguments about net neutrality shouldn 't be used to prevent the most disadvantaged people in society from gaining access or to deprive people of opportunity,” (Lapowski). I agree with Zuckerberg’s position that "the positives of giving people even limited free access to the Internet outweigh the concern about playing favorites when the alternative is no access at all, (Lapowski)." For users, it involves having access to only a fragment of what is supposed to be the World Wide Web. This produces “an Internet for poor

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