Against Net Neutrality Policy

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Net Neutrality is a policy which prevents ISP’s (Internet Service Providers) and Governments from filtering web content based on keywords within it. The fight to remove Net Neutrality has recently come into the spotlight as both governments and ISPs seek to gain from such a removal. I think that ISP’s and governments should not control what their users view on the internet. Currently, ISP’s and Governments want the Net Neutrality policy to be withdrawn and for new rules to be set in place which would put ISP’s in a spot where they make a lot of more money and for governments to control and monitor what their citizens view. Saying that though, governments could benefit from it as they would be able to track crime more efficiently and ISP’s can …show more content…
Governments, including police and military, want to remove the policy from their countries as it prevents them from being able to track citizens, who may be committing crimes and leaving evidence on the internet. Without Net Neutrality restricting the ability of governments, they would be able to impose filtering on certain web pages, preventing users from accessing certain content altogether, or track the content which their citizens view within their jurisdiction access. Allowing government undergo such policy would, in theory, reduce computer-based crime rates, as it would be much easier to monitor and restrict. ISPs and large web-based businesses would also like to remove net neutrality, as it restricts ISPs from monitoring the content accessed by their customers. With the removal of Net Neutrality, Internet providers would be able to access the content viewed by their customers, which would enable the companies to present ads on the internet. This would bring much higher profits to ISPs and to businesses who chose to advertise through services provided by service …show more content…
These people hold the key argument that it abolishes our privacy as internet users when accessing content online. Many of these groups fear that government policy could potentially span as far as that of North Korea; fully restricted internet to comply with the ideology of the government in power. It is also commonly stated that current government spying acts across the world have had no noticeable effect on terrorist activities, which governments claim is the goal of their secretive and highly illegal spying behavior. A user on Reddit believes that it is not even the ISP’s job to try to take down cyber crime as that job is for the police and government agencies. Another user on Reddit also stated that the removal of Net Neutrality would most likely increase crime as you are taking away something you can do online, e.g., playing grand theft auto; if that was removed the person could be inclined to do a similar scenario in real life. Also, a writer of noted that ISPs “admitted that if it weren’t for Net Neutrality, they would discriminate against websites and content.” Service providers have been seen breaching net neutrality in the past, with one example being from payment systems in America. When Google launched “Google Wallet,” an online payment system, various ISPs colluded to slow down connections to the service,

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