John Wooley's Leaked: The Internet Must Go

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In the mockumentary, “Leaked: The Internet Must Go”, a market researcher, John Wooley, was hired by Internet service providers (ISP) to do market research and talk to people to help them sell their new vision; eliminating net neutrality to reach maximum profit potential. Over many years, ISP has spent billions of dollars to build towers that bring Americans the Internet. However, they believe that there is too much traffic. Their solution to this problem is the “Internet must go”. ISP wanted to create innovative new ways to charge Internet users for the sites they want; however, the only thing stopping them is net neutrality and keeping the Internet open. Instead of everything going at the same speed the way it does now, they wanted to create a fast and slow lane on the Internet. They wanted to make a profit, so big companies that paid them more money would be in the fast lane, while everyone else would be in the slow lane. This is a mockumentary because it is used to reflect on current events by using fictional settings. John Wooley made this video to try to show the ideas of ISP’s changes of eliminating net neutrality is in the best interest of Internet users. The supporters of net neutrality believe that a lot of successful companies and …show more content…
John was hired to talk to people to help them reach their vision and eliminate net neutrality. Having an open internet, they are supposed to treat everything equally, whether it is profitable for them or not. However, ISP believes this stands in the way of their freedom to make the money they deserve, and the public wants the Internet to stay open. Wooley stated that “Just like cable, you know what you’re getting.” However, a person on the street spoke and told Wooley “You’re only getting what the cable company gives you, versus on the Internet you have an option to view and see what you

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