John was hired to talk to people to help them reach their vision and eliminate net neutrality. Having an open internet, they are supposed to treat everything equally, whether it is profitable for them or not. However, ISP believes this stands in the way of their freedom to make the money they deserve, and the public wants the Internet to stay open. Wooley stated that “Just like cable, you know what you’re getting.” However, a person on the street spoke and told Wooley “You’re only getting what the cable company gives you, versus on the Internet you have an option to view and see what you
John was hired to talk to people to help them reach their vision and eliminate net neutrality. Having an open internet, they are supposed to treat everything equally, whether it is profitable for them or not. However, ISP believes this stands in the way of their freedom to make the money they deserve, and the public wants the Internet to stay open. Wooley stated that “Just like cable, you know what you’re getting.” However, a person on the street spoke and told Wooley “You’re only getting what the cable company gives you, versus on the Internet you have an option to view and see what you