Net neutrality is the idea that internet service providers shouldn't be allowed to unfairly treat or grant special treatment to particular sites and apps. Under the current net neutrality rules, broadband and wireless providers like Rogers and Bell, can't block or slow down your access to lawful content, nor can they make "fast lanes" for content providers who are willing to pay extra. In other words, your internet provider can't slow your video stream so you'll keep your cable plan, and your mobile carrier can't stop you from using video chat instead of your own cell phone minutes. The loss of net neutrality is bad for everyone unless …show more content…
When the internet first became what it is today, in 1990, there was no Net Neutrality as it was so new, but in 1993 under the Federal Telecommunications Act, net neutrality was implemented. Since then, there haven't been debates about repealing Net Neutrality in Canada. You may be wondering why I'm talking about net neutrality if there's not much going on about it in Canada. Recently in the United States in December 2017, the Federal Communications Committee voted to repeal Net Neutrality. They won the vote three to two. As of February 2018, the Congress was given a 60-day period to stop this law, That 60-day period ends in less than two weeks. With net neutrality being repealed in the US, great amounts of pressure are being put on the Canadian Government to do the