For you to be able to get financial aid so that they could pay for college you’ll need fill out this thing called FAFSA. And for scholarship they have about 5 different scholarship. There’s general scholarship, scholarship for students with special needs, programs for military and their dependent, programs for graduates and professional students, and…
After spending the summer working long hours at a minimum wage job, I quickly came to understand the value of money and how to budget. I had always been a very frugal person, but once I started earning my own money I became even more careful with my spending. I made sure I was absolutely positive anything I considered buying was worth my investment because to get more money meant using my valuable time. Though deciding whether to buy a new t-shirt is a whole lot different than deciding whether you want to attend college, the choices are similar. Both require you to weigh whether the product you are going to invest in is worth its expense.…
So the question at hand, 'why college is important to me' is a pretty simple answer to give. It's important to me because it means that with the college education that I acquire from attending, I'll be one step closer to getting my dream job. A job that thanks to the education from college, will supply me with the benefits I need that consist of a steady income to support myself and my family as well as supply me with a healthy lifestyle were I can be comfortable in living. The knowledge, confidence and friendships created through college are life-long commitments that I'll do my best to strive towards and obtain. This is why college is important to me.…
It’s hard to believe that once upon time, Americans did not have the dreadful worries of finding a way to prepare for the financial necessities for college. Now, college is becoming more of a dream rather than a reality as high tuition rates becomes the number one reason why Americans are not advancing themselves into higher education. In some cases, there are college students who receive full-ride scholarships to the college they desire; however, the majority of those who do go to college do not obtain the same luck. Those students who do continue their education and go off to college find themselves short of financial aid, out-of-pocket cash, and even scholarships. This causes students to resort to taking out a student loan.…
The average debt per graduate student is $57,600 (Gitlen). Additionally, more Americans have student loan debt than the population of 200 countries combined. Today most jobs require at least 16 years of education; these 16 years include a basic college degree. College tuition is rapidly increasing, causing a great deal of the common American population not being able to afford it. Higher education should be lowered so that more people can actually get an education beyond high school.…
Should students have to pay for college? What is your income for the year? Is it enough for your child to go through college with no worries? The average cost of tuition and fees for the 2015–2016 school year was $32,405 at private colleges, $9,410 for state residents at public colleges and $23,893 for out of the state residents attending public universities (Weston 2015). Students should not have to pay for college because of loans and being in debt.…
Colleges are like a double edged sword, they help people reach a higher level or learning but they also carry the potential to bury that same person in a mountain of student debt. People always think about what they can do to further their life, and a big part of that thinking revolves around how they are going to or even if they are going to attend college. The thought of the tuition fee and rising costs discourages some from taking that step towards a higher education, but for some, and unfortunately others, they choose the path towards bettering their minds and have to pay the price, literally. There are ways to reduce costs through special programmes but even that isn’t enough sometimes. What’s needed is someone or something to step in to help secure the bright futures of every future academic.…
As an eighth grade student, I’ll be going to college in five years, and with any luck, not paying nearly as much as students pay now. The current student debt totals $1.4 trillion, with an average debt of $37,000 per student. That’s insane. What about the smart students who can’t afford college? The ones who could turn their life around by getting their degrees?…
Many things in life can be taken from you, but one thing you have total control over is your education. College is important to me because having an education will give me the opportunity to learn new skills that will not only help me excel in my career field but also in my daily life. Being able to provide for my son means everything to me, and in order to be a good leader and provider I HAVE TO be able to support him. I want him to grow up and be proud of who his mom is. I want him to be able to live in a good community, attend good schools (including college) and also play in sports if he chooses to do so.…
College is undeniebly expensive. Of course many people say that it's worth it, which I do not disagree with, but there is no need for schooling to be so pricey. The most expensive universities are typically liberal arts, which tends to offer a more in-depth view of knowledge through important principals. Because of this, I thrive to be able to attend a private, non-for-profit, liberal arts universtiy. However, it is, and I have to find ways to pay for my very important schooling.…
The Importance of College There are so many positives and negatives to college. College loans can put you tens of thousands of dollars in debt. On the other hand, getting a higher education means more money eventually. Working a minimum wage job during college won't pay off your loans, but if you don't go to college that same job isn't enough to live on.…
Getting Ready To Pay For College Many students wonder what ways you can pay for college. There are many options students can choose to get ready for college such as scholarship and grants, federal students loans or private student loans. This essay will inform students on how to fund their college education. Scholarship and grants are just ways you can pay less and also, the money that you earn will go directly toward the cost of college. The article states “you can visit your guidance office to find local scholarship, or search on for national and regional scholarship and grants.…
The United States has some of the world’s most expensive college education, but how can we change that? Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Norway, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey and Poland all have free college. United States has debt and student loans, and those under the age of 25 compose half of student loan borrowers. Now all those young adults have to try to find a place in the workforce so they can try to make as much money as possible to pay off all their debt. Are there other options other than ridiculously expensive college tuition rates?…
You can get many scholarships for many things, like grades, SAT scores, community service, and most well-known, sports. Scholarships pay for most of your college debt, including tuition. The amazing thing about scholarships is that you don’t have…
Growing up with two parents that are extremely successful yet have no college education is remarkably intimidating. When I was young, I would witness my parents effortlessly put food on the table while also providing so much more for our family without an ounce of college education. To hear the laughter and joy in our family made me think as a child that growing up would be a breeze, I sure was in for a rude awakening. It 's not like it once was back in their day of not needing a higher education in order to achieve a well-rounded career, so in order to follow in their footsteps of having a substantial career, I am going to need to a college education. My purpose for pursuing a college education is to begin a career that will allow me to help others while also satisfying my parents expectations.…