I currently have a part time job and also a work study at school. With raising a kid as well as going to school it doesn’t really leave anytime for me to work many hours. My bills are higher than what I make. I have been getting help from my family when I am short on the month and they have been great to me. Getting this scholarship would cut down on my educational bills and give me the chance to pursue my goals and dreams of becoming a nurse. Having to pay for my own classes has had a negative impact on my educational gals because it has limited the amount of classes I can take per semester, and I really would love to go to school full time and finish my degree earlier instead of take one or two classes per …show more content…
I started to get a group of people who can come together once a week to study and get helped in the tutoring center. As a student worker, I have many new friend that I meet each day and learn how to connect with students and enjoy our time together. I remember my dad used to help out the community with my sibling one a month to clean up the neighborhood with other few people that lives nearby my parents’ house. One day, my dad was at work and they came to ask if he could help. He wasn’t home so I tried to help out. It felt good to clean up the environment and so I decided to keep helping them every month. So many people that live there thank me every time I clean up their area, It felt good to help the older that cannot help themselves. It also looks good and feel good when the environment we live in is clean and in good condition. I love to help and get along with people. Team work makes a dream