In the two articles about abortion one written by Jeffrey Reiman and the other article written by Don Marquis who are two well-known philosophers. The main two sides in these article about abortion is …show more content…
In one of his points he mentions the innocent-human-life perspective which states the syllogism “1. All innocent human beings have the right to life, 2. All human fetuses are innocent human beings, 3. Therefore, all human fetuses have the right to life.”. Another one of his points when arguing with singer Mary Anne Warren who stated “being a person in terms of the traits of consciousness, reasoning, self-motivated activity, the capacity to communicate, and the presence of self-concepts, nothing, too, that her characterization of personhood” a person must have these at least some of these in order to be consider a person and therefore fetus’s lack the right to life because they don’t have these traits. Marquis argues that the way Warren’s view of personhood is wrong. He states that “if we take it quite literally, it is too narrow. Someone who is asleep is no conscious, is not reason, and is not exhibiting self-motivated activity. A final point that Marquis mention he says “individual future of value at a given age is one’s potential at that age to live to a greater age and to have a future life that on would value.” He’s saying if we get rid of that one life which is the fetus is basically taking her future value of her life away. Then goes on mentioning about P-Future of Value where if a …show more content…
After analyzing Reiman’s and Marquis’s article I felt more of a connection and understanding to Marquis. His points about and “P-Future” and his arguments against Warren was great and it gave a lot of more reason to why I went with being against abortion. Like I said earlier I used to not care that much about this topic, but after doing my readings Marquis has taught me a lot in a new perspective of fetus’s and their future. Also reading everyone’s discussion post helped me grasp different points about this topic which gave me a much better