As previously stated, I have always dreamed of holding a medical administrative assistant. Though I considered both nursing and medical …show more content…
. Classes that are taken are medical terminology is basic word structure, suffixes and prefixes, learning of the organization of the body. Clerical task appointments and reports, recording patient’s information, medical records, payroll, and researching of medical information. There are other classes that are also required that are helpful for this career. There programs can vary in length but typically last nine to twelve months.
To be successful, a candidate should have good excellent computer skills, should be able to use email, word processing software, and spreadsheets. Also be able to have a good inter personal skills to be able to communicate with doctors and patients. Writing skills is a most usually medical administrator often communicate with writing for example patients information or doctors’ orders. Being able to function in a medical office is also important there might be days that can get stressful and busy. It is important to be able to handle pressure. Also need math skills, there will be medical billing