Why Does Cyber Bullying Need To Be Stopped

Decent Essays
There are 74.2 million kids in all of the United States and in all of the 74.2 million there 13 million that will encounter bullying and cyberbullying. Imagine all these kids getting cyberbullied, what it will do to them, and just one mean comment can turn their life around. Cyberbullying needs to be stopped, because more and more teens are experiencing this issue which leads to teens committing suicide. For example, 65,000 teens 10-14 have committed suicide each year. Drugs, alcohol, and harming yourself are some ways teens commit suicide. For instance, about 16,000 kids are absent from school because of cyberbullying. If kids are absent from school because of being cyberbullied they will lose track of homework, social life, etc… These teens have so much life to live, but there becoming overwhelmed from being cyberbullied that they will commit suicide. …show more content…
They say everybody gets cyber bullied so what's the point of stopping it, it’s kids just messing around, and having fun. Cyberbullying is actually a big problem and it needs to be stopped. They’re teens committing suicide from this horrific issue. Cyberbullying is a big issue and people need to step up and take responsibility and help this issue from growing into something they can't handle. Also, cyberbullying is becoming out of control and it needs to be stopped. 65,000 teens 10-14 have committed suicide each year. Cyberbullying is mostly anonymous and it would be difficult for anyone to trace it back to the bully. Imagine all these kids getting cyberbullied, what it will do to them, just one mean comment and you can turn their life around. In conclusion, if you think trying to stop cyberbullying etc, is too much work or a waist of time than you're wrong because cyberbullying is too big of a problem to just forget about, honestly it's pretty sad that some people don't

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