Other athletes won’t be as good as him or her and that might lead to more athletes using steroids, which is a problem we have now and many want to solve it. When athletes who don’t use steroids see that one of their teammates uses steroids to become something he’s or she’s not and become famous, they will want to do the same thing. By doing the same thing, more people will be using illegal and banned substances and also don’t think about their harmful side effects because all they want is to become like the athlete they see as a hero. Also, by making the people use steroids like you will make their manager or the sports head suspect what’s going on because of their major performance increase. This will cause problems for them, which might end up being jail time or much worse …show more content…
Doctors who do believe in the condition see it as a type of impulse control; roid ragers overreact to an event that normally wouldn 't set them off.” Roid rage is basically a rage athletes have when using steroids too frequently. Roid Rage is really harmful not only for you, but to others. For example, athletes could be driving and get Roid Rage and they will hit other cars causing fatal injuries or even death to either them or others (Dhar, Michael). Furthermore, steroids are just as bad of a substance as any other performance enhancing substance and it should be dealt with so people, specifically athletes, can’t use it anymore. This will allow sports to become as fair as it was before steroids and other performance enhancing substance was invented. Not only do athletes using steroids cheat their way through fame fortune, but it also causes suspicions for the people around you, which will cause problems for not only you, but also to your team or personal