The Use Of Steroids In Sports

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1. How widespread is the use of steroids?
In today’s time many people are constantly looking for ways to excel in sports or perform better in their normal jobs. Furthermore, we live in a society where people are judge by their physical appearance. The trend of performance enhancing drugs like anabolic steroids and corticosteroids has been increasing in use to achieve some of these goals. People still abuse steroids despite the illegality of steroids and also how steroids are band by multiple sports authorities and governing sports bodies. Also, this use of steroids has become so great that it has been abused by all age groups.
2. How easy is it to obtain these products on the web?
It is very simple to acquire various anabolic steroids over the web once you use the site you are tag for steroidal use. There are multiple sites with trainers that are overly muscled with slogans saying join the bulk and you can order from
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This site also has links to why using steroids for sports can be a very costly scenario for the athlete. The athlete can be banned from any major sport pretty much ruining the career of the athlete. The biggest thing about this site is it goes into many details about why steroids are not what people make them out to be and how making the better judgement call in health choices can be better than really on a drug with side effects.
9. What is the legality of steroid use in professional sports?
The use of steroids in professional sports is a no go. All sports leagues have banned the use of steroids for athletes due to the effects of steroids. Also, the fact that steroids give the user an unfair advantage to the other players. This is why many professional leagues have implemented drug testing for athletes both on and off the field.
10. Are there any risks of becoming dependent or addicted on this type of

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