Pros And Cons Of Steroid Use

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Steroid use has both pros and cons. Some pros of steroid use is that they are used for medication. The prescribed drug helps people who are ill. The steroids help decrease the swelling and they are prescribed to people with cancer and other illnesses. If people did not get prescribed steroids. their illness would probably get worse and they would eventually die. Steroids have many negative effects as well. If steroids are abused by people, the people can get very sick. Steroids are not meant to be abused. They are meant to help people get unsick, not to make them sick. Steroids are used in both positive and negative ways. Steroids have been used for many things. One common use of steroids is that they are used as medication. Steroids work …show more content…
These people that take these illegal steroids are exposed to the chance of having a bad health risk. Some possible health risks for taking illegal steroids are baldness, a deeper voice, prominent breasts, increased body hair, high blood pressure, and aggressive violence. Steroids can affect the normal production of hormones in the body, causing both reversible and irreversible changes. Steroid abuse can cause acne, cysts, and oily hair and skin. Many steroid abusers use needles to inject the drug into them and most times the needle is contaminated. The contaminated needle can lead to infections such as HIV and Hepatitis B and C. Illegal use of steroids can cause problems with the liver. Steroids can cause tumors and a rare condition called peliosis hepatis. Peliosis hepatis is when blood-filled cysts form in the liver. Illegal use of steroids can cause problems in the cardiovascular system. They can cause heart attacks and strokes. As stated by Geraline C. Lin in the book Anabolic Steroid Abuse, states, “Despite the alarming incidence of these alarming side effects, chronic users are still apparently willing to risk them to obtain what they believe will be a long-term desirable effect(Lin, Page 10).” This quote states that although there are many side-effects and health risks of using illegal steroids, people are still going to abuse the illegaly prescribed prescription. These negative aspects of steroids may make people believe that …show more content…
If they are used in the wrong way, the people in the community could be in harm because steroids cause people to have aggression. Overall, steroids are viewed as a bad drug because of the people who abuse it. If the people who use it the correctly can persuade the steroid abusers to use it the correct way, then steroids will be viewed as a positive drug by everyone. If people can stop steroid abuse, there will only be one use for steroids and it will be accepted by everybody. Steroids are a positive drug and one day will be viewed that way by everyone. Steroids have many positive and negative effects on people 's lives. If they are used right then they are perfectly acceptable. If they are used in the wrong way then people believe that they are not an acceptable drug to have in the community. If everyone could see eye-eye about this drug, they would eventually see that steroids need to be used in the right way by everyone to create a better community. The positive effects of steroids overrule the negative effects of

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