Global Issues, Section 039
13 September 2017
1. Discuss how globalization has played a role in Muslim sectarian violence.
Sunnis and Shias have been fighting for power since the beginning of Islam. Other facts have increased the violence. Some of the factors include western countries interferences in political and economic affairs of the region, politics over oil, and economic interdependence. The United States favoring one section over the other (For ex: what happened with the invasion of Iraq) has increased the competitiveness among the groups. Supply of arms and ammunition from the west which is motivated by the economic interest is the burning example of the globalization.
2. Explain why it is said that the Muslim sectarian violence was triggered …show more content…
invasion of Iraq because they toppled the Sunni led group of Sadam Hussein. The Sunnis and Shias have been fighting over who has the upper hand in power or oil power. With US invasion in Iraq made rival factions in Iraq and its neighbors gave an opportunity to use the religious divide to benefit their self-interests. Before U.S. invasion, Iraq had maintained a fairly good relationship with the rest of the Arab countries. They were able to put their differences aside to deal with each other in a fair manner. After the U.S. invasion, Iraqis had to turn to other forces (ex: ISIS) for protection since the United States failed to bring them a proper democracy.
3. Describe the Arab Spring and explain why it occurred? Also, name some countries that experienced the Arab Spring.
Arab Springs initiated a domino effect of both violent and non-violent protests, riots, and civil wars in the Middle East and parts of North Africa. Arab Spring demonstrators were mostly young, educated individuals who came out into streets to demand their rights. Some countries that experienced the Arab Spring was Yemen, Jordan, Kuwait, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, and