I honestly miss being around kids! This past summer I worked at a camp that I had been working at for a year now (2 summers and 1 winter camp). I knew that the upcoming summer (2017) I wanted to focus on getting a medical internship, and probably wouldn 't be able to maintain a job as a camp counselor, so this past summer would have been my last summer as a camp counselor! When my friend, Jordan Lange, told me about where she works on weekends, I was very interested. Not only would I be getting to be around kids AND families, but it’s a camp that’s based in the Christian lifestyle! I’m excited for the possible opportunity to work at the Family Camp! -Have you previously worked at Laity Lodge Family Camp? If so, in what capacity? No, I have not previously worked at Laity Lodge Family Camp. -Do you attend church and/or any other ministry? …show more content…
Please tell us about this and how involved you are.
Yes! I’ve been attending church for as long as I can remember. Now moving to a new city for college, (From Houston to San Antonio) I’ve kind of had to start over and find a place where I feel connected to the spirit. Jordan Lange and I both go to a small bible study group every Wednesday! This bible group is connected to Young Life, a non-denominational Christian ministry. From time to time I go to Young Life’s Club (service) every Tuesday, as well as other Young Life social events. On Sundays I attend Cornerstone Church with my Pastor’s son from Houston!
-Tell us your story. When and how did you become a Christian? How are you growing now?
I grew up in a Christian home, so have “been a Christian my entire life”, but I actually became more serious about my faith when I started attending a Christian private school. By including a Bible class, tri weekly chapel services, and constant prayer and Christian-based encouragement, my faith was taken to new levels in an academic environment. I was baptized on October 15, 2011, and I can remember it as one of the best days of my life! As a young Christian woman, though, I am constantly tempted and challenged, and have made my share of mistakes, but one thing that I’ve come to realize is that every mistake I make is a learning experience. Every challenge I’m up against is a reminder to lean on Jesus and look for guidance, and every temptation I’m faced with is a time for serious prayer and study. Being in college has allowed for more freedom for me to move around and try new things spiritually! In highschool I went to church once a week, and that was it, but in college, I’m focused on the spirit more and always seeking guidance. It’s an awesome journey! -How would you picture yourself making an impact on families if you were to be hired at Family Camp? One thing that I’ve learned about myself, especially after a year of volunteering at Texas Children’s Hospital, is that I love, love, love to serve other people! From either cleaning up or serving food to more directly helping anyone in need. That’s honestly all I want to do with my life, is help people and not necessarily receive anything back. At Family Camp, I can imagine myself in some sort of servant position that truly emulates and depicts a follower