What Is No Joy In War Essay

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“There’s no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is no good in war except its ending.” This quote is from Abraham Lincoln stating that there is no happiness in war, there is no joy in killing innocent people, there nothing good in war except its ending. (elaborate the quote). According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word war means a state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations; a period of such armed conflict.
Living in this world is a struggle. It seems like each day is full of challenges. Imagine those people living in Marawi, in Lanao del Sur, they’re always afraid that one of these days the Maute group will invade their houses and kill them. Imagine their situation as of now.
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It hurts to watch because we know people are dying with every bomb. Even if they were not even related to me in blood, they still are citizen of the Philippines which is where I live. The country where I was born and the country where I will die. There are people dying in every bomb, in ever bullet. Everyone is affected to it, rebels or even innocent …show more content…
The effects of the war affects all. It just not affects the Marawi and the people of Marawi itself, it also affects the people of the Philippines and the country itself. The destroyed infrastructures, buildings, businesses, roads, houses and etc. cost a lot to repair, renovate or even rebuild. The schools that are intended to provide light for the children of Marawi for their future is damaged.
The effects of war are devastating and cut across all spheres of life be it social, economic or environmental. Whereas the most apparent effects include the destruction of environment, loss of property and displacement of people. Being a refugee is not easy, moving from one place to another is difficulty. Imagine the adjustments of the citizen of Marawi that are forced to move for their safety. Leaving the place where you were born and the place where most of your life take place is hard. Many refugees from Marawi who moved suffers from discrimination from their fellow

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