Both Netflix and Hulu have the same base price of $7.99 per month. Although the base price of both services is the same, what the packages include are very different. Netflix’s base price includes streaming only on …show more content…
Netflix is winning in this category with over 100,000 titles offered for streaming. Hulu falls short of this at 45,400 titles that are available to customers for instant streaming. Although Hulu has far less titles, the content is update much more frequently. For television series, Hulu airs these episodes the day after they come out. There is also a down side that these episodes often disappear much faster than they would on Netflix. With Netflix, you usually don’t get to see these episodes until months after the season has ended. The upside to this is Netflix keeps these episodes available and most shows start at season one and go all the way up to the most recent season filmed. Both of the programs have multiple licensing deals. Netflix gets content from ABC, NBC, Starz, BBC, Fox, CBS, Sony, and many more. Hulu offers content from Disney, MTV, NBC, Fox, and other cable …show more content…
Netflix does well in this category as is it very easy to use. Netflix uses categories to sort through their multitudes of titles. They also have customer friendly tools such as rating titles to get recommendations for new things to watch. There is also a feature which suggests titles based off what you have previously watched. Netflix also includes the ability to make user profiles. This can come in handy when you have children and want to use parental controls. With Hulu, they compare to Netflix with suggestions and recommendations on what to watch based from previous shows. But, one better feature of Hulu is that you can categorize titles based on the network they come from. Both services can be streamed to pretty much any device that connects to the internet like a computer, tablet, or mobile