The increase of students being labeled at-risk has the educational system to call for education reform (Cooper, 1998). This includes technology-supported reform in which students collaborate on multidisciplinary projects that are challenging and engaging (Singh & Means, n.d.). Research shows that technology, is an effective strategy for aiding at-risk students in increasing academic achievement by fostering higher order thinking skills and the of lack of technology leads to poor student achievement (Ford and Quinn, 2010; Hollenbeck & Hollenbeck, 2009). Technology enhances student achievement by providing students with multiple opportunities to utilizing critical and creative thinking skills (Darling-Hammond, Zielezinski, & Goldman, 2014). Therefore, it is essential for 21st-century learners to foster critical thinking and creative thinking skills because it prepares them for the workforce (Partnership for 21st Century Skills, n.d). Therefore, to break the poverty cycle, educators must implement technology tools and resources that support and enhance higher order thinking skills. To improve critical thinking in our students, we must rethink the traditional classroom roles that students and teachers play in the learning environment and modify the way in which instruction is delivered (Bonney and Sternberg, 2013; Smith & Throne, 2009). Self-regulated learning shifts the focus, from being teacher-centered to student-centered and allows students to be an active participant in the learning process. Differentiated instruction is an educational strategy that modifies the curriculum to support students’ needs (Smith & Throne, 2009). According to Brown-Jeffy and Cooper (2011), differentiated instruction enhances student learning because it requires educators to acknowledge student’s differences while establishing high expectations. In an environment where high expectations are expected, students take responsibility for their learning, thus shifting the focus from being teacher-centered to student-centered. Technology assists differentiated instruction by engaging students according to the students’ interests, levels of readiness, and learning styles. Differentiated instruction driven by technology, accommodates the diverse learning needs of students by deepening their comprehension, thus empowering them to succeed in the 21st Century (Smith & Throne, 2009). Implementing technology prepares 21st-century learners for a global society and a diverse workforce by addressing the ISTE Standards for students which include, 1. Creativity and Innovation, 2. Communication and Collaboration, 3. Research and Information Fluency, 4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making, 5. Digital Citizenship, and 6. Technology Operations and Concepts. These essential skills give students the proper tools they need to become successful and productive citizens ("ISTE Standards for Students," n.d.; Smith & Throne, 2009). Diversity Considerations Osborne High School is a Title 1 school with a high transiency rate and large minority population. There are 12 different ethnic groups within the student population. Our top five ethnic …show more content…
For technology to be effective, all teachers must support its implementation, and they must receive effective on-going technology training and support. To ensure that this shared vision for technology is successful, Osborne High School teachers will participate in collaborative on-going professional that includes changing the traditional classroom environment into an interactive classroom. Professional developments will be collaborative and will include technology integration training supported by The ISTE standards. Such professional developments will include how to implement a Flipped Classroom, communicate with students and parents, facilitate internet safety and how to use apps to support learning, to name a few. Teachers will also use technology to collect and analyze data from diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments and use this data to differentiate instruction. Osborne High School will ensure the success of this vision, by creating a supportive environment that provides on-going technology and teacher