Firstly, welfare programs were …show more content…
The lack of proper checks when applying for assistance is the primary reason why welfare abuse occurs. In addition, legislators and the creators have made assistance so easy to get, which is why so many people are on assistance. I have over two years of experience working in retail and have seen first hand how many people don’t deserve to have it. Multiple times I have witnessed a person use welfare assistance to pay for their groceries, and walk out to a brand new or next to new vehicle. Similarly, some people will have top of the line technology and/or be a tobacco user. Welfare assistance is meant for those on the bottom struggling and many people clearly are not struggling, but still receive benefits. Some recipients will use the services and privileges for others, which is illegal. Those recipients sell products and services to other to make a profit because it is easier than going out and getting a …show more content…
The Welfare Reform Act of 1996 changed the entire program for the better, but it is still being misused by its recipients. The programs have become abused again and need to be reformed again in order to prevent wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars. America's welfare programs are redundant and inefficient in their goals. The welfare state encourages dependence, which is why welfare programs need to be reformed. Welfare dependence also creates behavioral poverty, which is causing continued dependence on welfare programs. The means-tested welfare programs are financially unsuitable. Today our welfare programs give out too much money and the systems need to be reformed again. The welfare programs need to be reformed in order to ensure that they are used honestly. If the welfare programs aren’t reformed soon, the economy will be unstable and our country will be in so much debt that it will not be able to support and defend the people of this great country. Finally, we need to reform our welfare assistance programs now, before it becomes