This includes being with a partner (married) and how many children the citizen has. The problem is many people think it’s acceptable to have more children just to receive a bigger amount of aid. Welfare should have a limit upon entrance of how many people it will provide for. This way the men and women in the household will get a bigger sense of responsibility. If they received welfare while they had two kids present, they should limit to providing them for a total of four kids in the future. They will gain knowledge knowing if they want to have more kids later, they should be financially stable and ready without government help. Those parents will be the ones providing for them until they become …show more content…
The citizens that qualify for food stamps can buy many things with it including dairy products, cereals, breads, fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, and poultry. The total number of Americans on SNAP is about 1 in 8 Americans (Brain). The problem comes along with some of its requirements. Although one can buy all the things listed, SNAP lets users purchase goods that are prepackaged. For some people, it is convenient to buy more food that costs less and will last longer through the month. Prepackages food can cost people less money but can have a lot of artificial flavors and chemicals in them. This leads to obesity rise and malnutrition in Americans. The program should not allow its users to buy prepackaged items or limit the amount purchasable. This will help control the malnutrition is children and adults using