Each one of them grew into a different person with a new way of thinking and seeing things. This new persona they each acquired resulted from their realization that they were walking on the path of darkness like the poem talks about. They saw that while they tried offering salvation, they just caused disruption. While they tried to bring judgement to light, they were just practicing their own judgement that was wrong and corrupt. They lived for years not seeing the results of their actions and the blunt Congolese people truly showed the error of their ways. This questioning of actions led the Price women to consider what actions they should be taking. Action occurs as a result of the decision of a person or people to do something a certain way because the believe they should. The Price women started to question their beliefs as a result of seeing the harmful effects of their actions. Their whole lives they were spoon fed opinions and orders from a man who supposedly loved them but showed no love or happiness at all. The Price women concluded that this negativity was wrong and what they believed was incorrect. It was at this point that they looked towards their surroundings to find where true contentment comes from and find the Congolese. For the most part, the Congolese were good; they didn’t take what
Each one of them grew into a different person with a new way of thinking and seeing things. This new persona they each acquired resulted from their realization that they were walking on the path of darkness like the poem talks about. They saw that while they tried offering salvation, they just caused disruption. While they tried to bring judgement to light, they were just practicing their own judgement that was wrong and corrupt. They lived for years not seeing the results of their actions and the blunt Congolese people truly showed the error of their ways. This questioning of actions led the Price women to consider what actions they should be taking. Action occurs as a result of the decision of a person or people to do something a certain way because the believe they should. The Price women started to question their beliefs as a result of seeing the harmful effects of their actions. Their whole lives they were spoon fed opinions and orders from a man who supposedly loved them but showed no love or happiness at all. The Price women concluded that this negativity was wrong and what they believed was incorrect. It was at this point that they looked towards their surroundings to find where true contentment comes from and find the Congolese. For the most part, the Congolese were good; they didn’t take what