Price exiles herself from her family, her home and her faith in her religion and becomes the woman she is today.
Leah Price was exiled to the Congo because of her faith. The exile was executed by her father who decided to move the entire family to the congo to begin their missionary …show more content…
‘ I was shocked and frightened to see her flounce father's authority, but truly, I could feel something similar moving around in my own heart. For the first time in my life I doubted his judgment. He’d made us stay here”... “ if it's all up to him to decide our fate, shouldn't exile be apart of the bargain?” Leah slowly exiles herself from her father's side because she has lost all and any faith in him. She begins to feel alienated by this fact because she has always felt she was a disciple of his. His favorite. Someone worth the Lord's holiness, just like her father. Because of her alienation with her father and later her faith she begins to enrich herself with the way of the congo. She gets a volunteer job helping a congolese teacher named
Anatole teach french to the young boys of the congo and continues to grow food for her family, despite its barrenness. Soon she feels Africa is her home, until she takes on the challenge of hunting. Leah challenged the spiteful witch doctor who believed girls did not belong. She is