Babylonian Exile In Barbara Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible

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The “Babylonian Exile” is one of the most famous exiles in history. The Jewish people of
Babylon were exiled to the Kingdom of Judah due to their religion. Just like what happened to two of the main character’s of Barbara Kingsolver’s novel. In Barbara Kingsolver’s novel, The
Poisonwood Bible, the Price family is among the main characters. The family is made up of
Nathan Price, the Reverend who led his family on a mission trip. That is all he seemed to care about, seeing how he never had a spark of interest for his wife and his daughters. Until Leah came along. He mostly saw her as a little lamb, a follower. As the novel progresses, she becomes a rebel towards her father and deliberately disobeys his orders, being the ¨man of the house.¨ In Nathan's eyes, Leah is supposed to do women’s work, meaning that even though Leah provided them with some meat for a meal, Nathan didn't bat an eye at her achievement and instead alienated her from himself.
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Not only did Leah get exiled but Adah did also just because she was the disabled twin to Leah Price. She did end up learning at the end that she did not need her father or her sisters. She ended up leaving the Congo and going back to Georgia with her mother,
Orleanna Price, and going to college to get a degree in medicine (page 527 of The Equatorial in
The Poisonwood Bible).
Exile means many things.According to Oxford Dictionary
( It either means “The state of being barred
Knotts 2 from one's native country, typically for political or punitive reasons” or “A person who lives away from their native country, either from choice or compulsion”. Usually someone or some group is exiled because of what they did or what they believe in, whether it is a religion or it is a decision someone is making. For instance, in today’s world, the year of 2017, Donald Trump,
United States’s president, is building the wall separating the US and Mexico. He is also banishing the Syrian refugees due to him being afraid of them being part of ISIS and destroying the United States. Also according to Oxford Dictionary
(, alineation means “The state or experience of being alienated”. Leah´s father had alienated her because she disobeyed him and hunted with the men. He only did this because she disobeyed him and only wanted to do what she wanted. She learned that her father just did not really care about the family and only about himself and the religion. The reason why Leah wanted to hunt with the men most likely is because she wanted to prove to people that she is not a typical girl and she wanted to blend in with the Congolese people, even though the women do not hunt, they stay in the village or hut and take care of the children and cook for the men. Unlike her sisters, Leah was the tomboy of the girls. She wanted to get down and dirty and be rough. Rachel could not even STAND the sight of Leah skinning the impala that she killed. On page 348 to 349 of The Poisonwood Bible, it is all about the hunt with Nelson and Gbenye. Gbenye actually was FURIOUS because he did not kill the impala but Leah did. He only shot the young impala in the flank while Leah shot him in the throat, killing it. Gbenye’s lip curled. ‘How would a woman’s arrow kill a yearling impala?’ ‘By making a hole in his neck, Gbenye. Your arrows went for the tail like a dog after his bitch. Where was your aim, nkento?’... Nathan had ridiculed Gbenye’s aim by calling him Knotts 3 nkento. A woman.” This had happened right after the hunt, after she killed the impala. Back in time, which this event is stated in the Bible, there was an event that happened called the “Babylonian exile.” What that is that the Babylonians had exiled the Jews because of their religion and what they believed in. The prompt stated “Edward Said has written that ‘Exile is strangely compelling to think about but terrible to experience. It is the unhealable rift forced between a human being and a native place, between the self and its true home: its essential sadness can never

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