Home can be defined in a multitude of ways. The building in which you come to everyday after a long day’s …show more content…
Okonkwo, grew up with a father that was seen as cowardly by the village and did everything to become the opposite of his father. His entire life he strived to be the best and became the extreme opposite of his father. Okonkwo found home in his success and constantly being above everyone else. After all of his successes, white men started coming into his village and changed how the society functioned. Okonkwo could not properly change with the times and became without a home. He found home in being the best and having people fear or be intimidated by him, which he soon …show more content…
In Poisonwood Bible, home adds to the character development of the daughters and Nathan’s reasoning of moving his family. If Nathan had not been in the war he would most likely not had the questioning of his home, if Ruth May lived through to the end of their missionary work Rachael most likely would have moved back to the US. In Things Fall Apart, Okonkwo’s home is defined by opposing his father and conforming to what his village wants a man to become. Okonkwo’s home later ends the life of a young boy who found home in the village. The concept of home creates a cause and effect series between