Essay On The Poisonwood Bible

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Palestinian American literary theorist and cultural critic Edward Said has written that “
Exile is strangely compelling to think about but terrible to experience. It is the unhealable rift forced between a human being and a native place, between the self and its true home: its essential sadness can never be surmounted.” In “The Poisonwood Bible” Nathan Price the father of the price family has exiled himself from his family which creates a rift in this family which eventually separates the whole family. Nathan is dedicated to his work but this ultimately leads to the destruction of their family. Nathan creates a rift through his stubbornness, his preaching, and how he feels about feed back.
Nathan price in the poisonwood bible is a very interesting
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The japanese soldiers captured many soldiers and marched them to a death camp but many of the soldiers were either killed or died of dehydration or starvation. This greatly affected Nathan because he believes that he should have died there with his brothers in arms, and he feels like he owes them everything so he puts that into his work to “save” the people of the congo. In the novel the price family not including nathan want to stay in Bethlehem, Georgia, but Nathans’ stubbornness started a rift between him and his family by ignoring all of their concerns about going to the congo. Nathan believes he was called on by God to go to the congo to help lead the people to the Kingdom of Heaven. After the family is settled in to the congo Nathan decides to plant some crops to help feed the family while they’re there, yet again the stubbornness comes into effect as he ignores the advice of the people of the congo. Shortly after he ignores the advice of the congolese all of the crops wither away and die, this is just one of the many examples of his stubbornness that affect the family negatively. Nathan also likes to act very macho because even when the family is right

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