In terms of this assignment you will be introduced to the organisational culture using the Walmart’s case study to cover different aspects of the assignment. Firstly, we will use the cultural web to evaluate the organisational culture of Walmart. More specifically, how Walmart use organisational culture to support its implemented strategy. Then evaluate strategic leadership using the principles of strategic leadership then wrap it up by evaluating the deployment efforts using the components and enablers of strategy deployment.
2. Organisational culture
The organisational culture played a vital role in support of the Walmart strategy. Walmart strategy is to set up stores in the rural areas and the international expansion strategy, …show more content…
These perspectives provide the kind of holistic, nuanced view of organizational culture that is needed by leaders in order to truly understand their organizations — and to have any hope of changing them for the better.
Cultural aspects includes a set of common values, beliefs, norms, attitudes, roles, assumptions and behaviors provide possible to true learning. Walmart operates under the 10 principles which guides Walmart’s identity and its development. However, Sam had an obsession for undercutting competitors which was his driving force. The impeccable relationship he has with employees is remarkable.
2.1 Trustworthy leaders.
The leader of Walmart believed that people should be given responsibility, they should be trusted and continually be monitored. Sam is a leader of the organization and he has the best interest of the organisation as his/her priority.
2.2 Trusting followers.
The mere fact that Sam gives his associates responsibility, basically means he trusts his follows. He is hopeful, optimistic, and trusting. He is the key to an organisation’s capacity for …show more content…
3.1 Strategic Leaders are Futures Oriented and have a Futures Strategy
Walmart ensures commitment to employees by building incentives for employees through training, career development and bonuses. They are future oriented and have a futures strategy.
3.2 Strategic Leaders are Evidence Based and Research Led
Efficient distribution system that allows joint purchasing and shared facilities, systematic ordering and store level distribution. They also focus on leadership actions and investments.
3.3 Strategic Leaders Get Things Done
Sam is innovative and he is also a great leader in transition. This is all about planning and working on the wellbeing the associates. On that note, Sam focuses on getting things done, building a bargaining power and creating a powerful channel to customers by cutting prices .
3.4 Strategic Leaders Open New Horizons
Walmart opened new horizons through the use of third party logistics, cross docking, use of RFID and the use of new systems for packing trucks for better use capacity to increase speed and efficiency.
3.5 Strategic Leaders are Fit to