Wealmart Case Analysis: The Mcdonaldization Of Wal-Mart

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The McDonaldization of Wal-Mart Imagine yourself in the following situation: You are running low on food around the house, so you decide to make a trip to stock up on groceries. Of course, you automatically direct your travel to Wal-Mart, because you are a thrifty college student and “save money, live better” right? Wal-Mart boasts low prices and on a minimal budget, that is the best place to go. So you proceed with your quest for groceries. While there, you realize that you are starving! Conveniently, Wal-Mart offers fast food chains right inside the store. You also decide that you need an oil change and should probably freshen up that haircut. Since Wal-Mart also includes a tire and lube express store as well as a hair salon, there’s no need to go …show more content…
Wal-Mart is the epitome of the process entitled McDonaldization in which the guiding principles of the fast food industry (efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control) are “dominating more and more sectors of American society as well as …show more content…
This is defined as an “emphasis on the quantitative aspects of products being sold and services offered” (Ritzer 15). Ritzer equates this principle to the American notion that “bigger is better”. This idea can also be seen at Wal-Mart as well. Throughout the store, there are various items labeled ‘value pack’ or ‘family size’. By spending a little bit more than what it would cost for the regular pack, we pick up the bigger one thinking that we have struck a deal and gotten more for our money. People can quantify their purchase by looking at it and feeling as though they are getting more of that item for a small amount of money. And with that saved money, customers are able to purchase multiple items while not having to spend excessively for the products they desire. This is a huge advertising lure for Wal-Mart as their slogan is “Save money, live

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