My Struggle In My Writing

Improved Essays
At some point in life you have to learn, either from yourself, guardians, or in this case famous writers. I recently got an interest in writing poems about four months ago. When writing poems I usually know what I’m going to write before I even write it. Other times I just have a bunch of ideas that I have no clue what to do with. Vonnegut, Dillard, Malcolm X, and King’s advice have helped develop my writing into something I never thought was possible. I’ve struggled with; knowing what information to cut, broadening my vocabulary, not writing often enough, and being afraid of my own work. Each of these writers will impact my writing tremendously, and help one or more of my struggles in their own way.
First, my biggest writing struggles is knowing
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When writing poems using everyday words don’t express what I’m writing about enough. Malcolm X rewrote the entire dictionary to broaden his vocabulary, and while I haven’t gone as far as that I have started reading it. The more words I learn, the stronger I feel my writing gets. As my vocabulary grows I feel more confident in writing more, which brings me to my third weakest writing skill. I have found that I only get better when I continue to write each day compared to once or twice a week like before. Malcolm X found that the more he wrote the faster he could do so, and I believe that my writing will only develop more as I continue to write every …show more content…
King was convinced that “fear is at the root of most bad writing” (The adverb is not your friend”). I find this to be completely true when it comes to my work. I know that if I let go of my fear of hurting someone’s feelings or composing something of poor quality that I can write great pieces of poetry. The hard part is just actually letting go of all fear because I’m always going to worry if my work will be perfect. King also said that “good writing is often about letting go of fear and affection” (“The adverb is not your friend”). So recently, I have made myself let go of all fear when I write and I have seen a complete difference between my new and old poems. I see writing now is about speaking the truth about any topic you write about. As long as the writer puts everything he or she is feeling on paper it can never be

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