Vegetarianism: Annotated Bibliography

Decent Essays
Annotated Bibliography
1. Mann, Natasha. "A Vegan Diet Can Cause Malnourishment, Especially in Children." Vegetarianism. Ed. Debra A. Miller. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010. Current Controversies. Rpt. from "How Our Vegan Diet Made Us Ill." Independent 17 June 2008.Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 25 July 2016.
This source is about the vegetarian and vegan diet the source expounds how vegetarians and vegans should consume certain vitamins in order to live a healthy lifestyle without meat. The second to last paragraph talks about different ways to eat a balanced vegan/vegetarian diet. This source educated me on both negative and positive effects of a vegan lifestyle.

2. McKeen, Scott. "How Education About Animal Welfare Is Changing Attitudes
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The more people are aware of what they are putting into their body and where it comes from the more they think about what they are consuming . The source supports my claim by explaining why some people should think twice before eating meat.

3. "Skip the meat on Earth Day." CNN Wire 22 Apr. 2014. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 25 July 2016.
This blog post verbalizes about the cost of producing meat .Raising animals for meat is much less efficient than growing vegetables and doesn't waste water Raising a kilogram of beef requires 15,500 liters of water. I will utilize the facts from this source to strengthen my argument that producing meat is detrimental.

4. Goodland, Robert, and Jeff Anhang. "Livestock Contributes to Global Warming." Vegetarianism. Ed. Amy Francis. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2015. Current Controversies. Rpt. from "Livestock and Climate Change." World Watch 11 (2009). Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 25 July
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Joy, Melanie. "Vegetarianism Is a Moral Decision with Many Benefits." Vegetarianism. Ed. Amy Francis. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2015. Current Controversies. Rpt. from "We Are More than What We Eat: The Hidden Benefits of Eating a Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet." 2013. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 25 July 2016.This source talks about why vegetarians have chosen to not eat meat. Many vegans and vegetarians do not eat meat for ethical reasons. Many vegans and vegetarians choose to not eat meat simply because they are health conscious but there are many who eat vegan and vegetarian diets for ethical reason. The article helps support my argument by emphasizing on other reasons besides health when it comes to being a

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