Thesis Statement: Although it is common in today's society to consume animals and animal by-products it is more beneficial to abstain from eating animals because it promotes a healthier lifestyle, it is less damaging to our environment, and eating animal products are harmful to the animal populations. Zamir, Tzachi. "Veganism." Journal Of Social Philosophy 35.3 (2004): 367-379. Academic Search Complete. Web. 26 Jan. 2017.
In the article “Veganism” Zamir discusses the philosophy of how vegans see animal consumption. It also takes some time to define what veganism is, not only in the ideologies of food source but also in product usage in the overarching spectrum. It also mentions the differences of veganism and vegetarianism. This journal concentrates on the conclusion vegans have towards the vegetarian’s use of animal products. He also evaluates what the vegetarian ideals are and what it lacks in the vegan perspective and the discrepancies that it has in terms of what is appropriate to use and what is not. It details the discrepancies of not eating meat for moral reasons yet still exploiting animals in other uses. Zamir also details the processes needed for the consumption of animal products to be completely sound. In the article the quote, “If it is wrong to kill an entity of a particular kind, it is probably wrong to exploit it. …show more content…
And if it is wrong to benefit from the entity killed, it seems wrong to benefit from that entity being exploited.”, is helpful to put the perspective of using animal products to those who are vegetarian (Zamir 367). This can be in reference to animal products in fashion like makeup and clothes with animal based fabric, this can also mean in entertainment such as zoos and rodeos. This quote is significant to my thesis because it helps with the argument of how harmful eating animal products are and the moral issue of using animal derived products. It calls to re-evaluate what we would perceive as ethical, and to be more critical of what is unethical. Bradbury, K E, et al. "Serum Concentrations Of Cholesterol, Apolipoprotein A-I And Apolipoprotein B In A Total Of 1694 Meat-Eaters, Fish-Eaters, Vegetarians And Vegans." European Journal Of Clinical Nutrition 68.2 (2014): 178-183. Academic Search Complete. Web. 26 Jan. 2017. “Serum concentrations of Cholesterol, Apolipoprotein A-I And Apolipoprotein B In A Total Of 1694 Meat-Eaters, Fish-Eaters, Vegetarians And Vegans.” evaluates the serum lipid concentrations in people with different dietary lifestyles. With the evaluation of these lipids it can then be determined the average cholesterol in these different groups. The authors assessed the differences in bmi and other characteristics in the study’s groups. With this in account they evaluate the apolipoprotein A-I and apolipoprotein B to determine the cholesterol. They then conclude that vegans have the lowest cholesterol and although vegans have a lower bmi, they attribute the low cholesterol levels in their diets. It is also found that meat-eaters had the highest cholesterol, which was assumed to be due to the consumption to meat. The article’s conclusion states, “In conclusion, this study compares the serum lipid concentrations of British meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians and vegans, and finds lower serum concentrations of total and non-HDL cholesterol in vegans. Vegans also had very low saturated fat intakes and higher intakes of polyunsaturated fat and fibre.” (Bradbury et al 183). This conclusion shows the results which are beneficial to the vegan perspective. It helps to argue the health benefits of not eating animal products. In the typical population, the foods consumed have a higher rate of saturated fats, which in a larger quantity can be harmful. The higher saturated fats are due to common foods in the diets which have a larger amount of meat and animal byproducts. Diets with a larger volume of …show more content…
Since vegans would eat these at a higher volume than an omnivore, it is then assumed that veganism reduces cancer risk. It is also concluded that an omnivore diet promotes eating foods which furthers the consumption of food which is connected to cancer. This article can be used to help motivate people to become vegan for their health. Since cancer is a prevalent concern in today’s society these results can help people know about how they can reduce their risk in cancer. It also helps the reader to eat more foods which typically fight cancer such as fruits and