Defunding Planned Parenthood

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Defunding Planned Parenthood could result in way more unplanned pregnancies and even more abortions. Many would be willing to say that the previous statement is wrong, but yet they are unable to name another facility willing to help women of all ages with little to no money. Yes, most clinics in America offer the same things that Planned Parenthood offers but, at a cost. Most clinics require some form of insurance and copay, that is where Planned Parenthood comes into play. Planned Parenthood offers all forms of contraception, STD testing, Cancer screenings, Pregnancy tests, and of course the sore subject of abortion is offered there. All of these things are offered at Planned Parenthood with a very low form of payment. All of the government …show more content…
Only 3% of services performed there are abortions. It 's sad to think that most people want Planned Parenthood to disappear just for the simple fact that they perform abortions. Did they forget about all of the other clinics that were built and established just for that purpose? i mean seriously, Planned Parenthood offers much more than abortion. They offer STD testing, pregnancy testing, cancer screenings, sex education, and forms of birth control. All of which are offered to anyone who walks through their doors. Many can agree that it 's a good place when they need it though, but when it comes to another woman’s body they feel the need to add their input. An input that is not needed at that. If a young woman goes to a regular clinic for help whether it be an abortion, sex education, or just flat out birth control. She feels ashamed and uncomfortable whereas when a young woman walks into Planned parenthood she is welcomed with open arms. With a calm setting and a professional staff. It can be supported by evidence that Planned Parenthood supplies young teens all over america with sex education classes and professional advice when it comes to safe sex. Not too many schools offer a sex education class and when they to it 's the boring/safe version with little to no real life comparison. As young adults teenagers need real life advice and Planned Parenthood offers it. This is …show more content…
adults fail to use contraception. They are filled with “out of the health book” information that doesn 't give a clear perspective of a real life situation. Put it this way, if a young adult male was never introduced to a “safe sex” method then why would he use it? Same goes for a young adult female, why would she tell the young adult male to use protection if she was never taught about it? It 's a simple thing that can solve such a big problem.
Abortion isn’t murder until at least 24 weeks after conception/fertilization. This is where most people are confused. It 's easy to argue that a baby is a baby but yet at the same time scientifically a human isn 't considered a human until at least 20 weeks. From conception until 24 weeks it 's just considered a sac of cells and given the name “fetus” which normally we refer that name to an unborn baby. Most will argue the point made above that abortion is brutal, morally wrong, and against God’s will. Many will agree with that and many will not. I, however, agree with both. Reading this may be confusing and you might ask yourself, “what does she mean by this?”, Let me explain myself. Abortion to myself is a hard subject to talk about because in my opinion a baby is a baby from when it 's heart forms to when it 's born. The reason i say from when it 's heart forms to birth is because technically it is just a lump of cells until it receives a heartbeat. That might sound repulsive to most

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