On a large campus, such as Maryland’s, ensuring everyone’s constant safety remains one of the most difficult tasks. One of the University of Maryland Police Department’s strategies to keep students up to date on the crimes on and around campus is UMD Alerts. The mass messaging system provides detailed information about what crime happened, where it happened, when it happened, and what steps the department is taking to resolve the issue. Students, faculty and staff can sign up for the UMD Alerts. Based on a small survey of students from the campus population, about four out of every five students currently receive UMD Alerts in the form of emails, text messages, or both. …show more content…
The immediate dangers of campus robberies became more prevalent during the 2016 spring semester. On February 22, 2016, reports of an armed on campus robbery at Montgomery Hall alarmed many students. As a result, a few students wonder how easily the robbers could have entered any of the buildings on campus. Additionally, on March 15, 2016, the university police department alerted the campus community about an off campus burglary and rape. These two incidents increased student’s awareness of their susceptibility to danger on campus.
When asked directly if students felt safe on campus most considered that to be dependent on the time of day. More students feel safe on campus during the day when more people are around, as opposed to later in the evening when the area is