DPS controls the campus territory, holds responsibility for, and ensures safety to almost …show more content…
These brochures are easily available for students, as well as other flyers and posters that are accessible everywhere on campus. The overall approach of this brochure is a logos approach, however there are some elements of this document that have an ethos as well as a pathos approach. The cover of the brochure (Image 3 - LINK) has a photograph of a group of students who are walking on campus. The brochure is titled “Campus Safety” against an orange band, and the DPS symbol is also displayed on the bottom left corner on the brochure. Besides being logical in terms of using features like photographs and the color orange, the symbol marks a stamp of professionalism, authority and value, thereby making the source credible as well. This is considered to be an ethos approach. Bitzer explains ethos as the trustworthiness and credibility of the rhetor