She uses a gentle tone to establish trust in her readers, then proceeds to encourage them to treat others’ needs with sensitivity and understanding. This is exemplified when Williams (2016) urges, “Don’t judge students by our particular moment in life. Let them build their forts. Try joining them there, cramped though it may be. Understand the comfort and security those forts offer and then encourage them to meet you on the outside.” Williams does not speak harshly or use accusatory phrases such as “be nice to your fellow students, otherwise you’re a terrible person who is ruining others’ educational experience”. Instead, she speaks in a gentle and reasonable manner, reminding readers to be understanding in the moment, while also explaining that there is a bigger picture to be considered, and a greater good to be reached. Because of Williams’s level-headed demeanor and tone throughout the
EVALUATION OF RHETORICAL APPEALS 3 article, readers are more likely to view her perspective as fair and reasonable, as well as apply the lesson to their daily …show more content…
Cohen (2017) provides the following statistics: “20% of college students say they feel stressed “most of the time.” [Source: AP.] 10% of college students had thoughts of suicide [Source: AP.] 34% of college students report feeling depressed at least at one point within the last 90 days [Source: ADAA.] 13% of college students have been diagnosed with depression, anxiety or other mental health condition. [Source: ADAA.] 80% of college students say they sometimes or often feel stressed”. Although Cohen’s findings do support Williams’s initial claim about stress negatively impacting learning, her argument would have been better supported had she included statistics such as these to help readers understand the severe negative consequences of trying to get an education in a stressful environment. Because of this untapped statistical research, Williams appears to be only partially successful at utilizing logical appeals to communicate the detrimental effects of stress on learning to her