An abundance of students are not even aware of their illnesses therefore do not receive proper treatment. Among college students, the ACHA-NCHA found that only 24% of those diagnosed with depression were receiving treatment. ("Mental Health Problems and Help-Seeking Behavior Among College Students", 2016). Stress and anxiety are apart of life and a little bit can be healthy for us to grow. Unfortunately, some people become overwhelmed with these emotions and that is where it becomes unhealthy. The best thing to do for any issues people may face is to call a friend to talk to, call a service hotline, go to a doctor or psychiatrist, or even write in a journal or find an easy accessible solution that works for you! Mental health illnesses are an extremely important matter, especially when it comes to college students. Mental health illnesses are dramatically increasing throughout the years, and it is very important that students can notice signs as well as make connections to be able to seek help when needed before it is too late. An important challenge will be to build on these mostly descriptive studies by developing and evaluating programs to improve prevention, identification, and treatment.("Guns, Adolescents, and Mental Illness | American Journal of Psychiatry",
An abundance of students are not even aware of their illnesses therefore do not receive proper treatment. Among college students, the ACHA-NCHA found that only 24% of those diagnosed with depression were receiving treatment. ("Mental Health Problems and Help-Seeking Behavior Among College Students", 2016). Stress and anxiety are apart of life and a little bit can be healthy for us to grow. Unfortunately, some people become overwhelmed with these emotions and that is where it becomes unhealthy. The best thing to do for any issues people may face is to call a friend to talk to, call a service hotline, go to a doctor or psychiatrist, or even write in a journal or find an easy accessible solution that works for you! Mental health illnesses are an extremely important matter, especially when it comes to college students. Mental health illnesses are dramatically increasing throughout the years, and it is very important that students can notice signs as well as make connections to be able to seek help when needed before it is too late. An important challenge will be to build on these mostly descriptive studies by developing and evaluating programs to improve prevention, identification, and treatment.("Guns, Adolescents, and Mental Illness | American Journal of Psychiatry",