Mental illness is a serious health condition that requires treatment. No matter how capable an individual may feel about managing the issue alone, many problems can arise as a result of leaving such a condition untreated. In numerous cases, individuals who suffer from mental illness remain unaware that they are mentally ill. However, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), millions of Americans are afflicted with a mental health condition. In fact, NAMI asserts that one in five adults experiences this issue within a given year. Additionally, 10 million adult Americans face serious mental illness in a year, and over 20 percent of youths between the ages of 13 and 18 experience a severe mental disorder at some time during the course of their lives. When Mental Disorders Are Left Untreated Clearly, mental illness is not an uncommon problem in this day and age. When a mental health disorder is not treated by a professional, the impact is felt by the individual, by the people in that person’s life, and by society at large. Innumerable individuals with mental illness turn to drugs and alcohol as a way of shutting out the effects of their conditions. This is never a real solution, but it certainly isn’t uncommon. Whether or not they are addicted to drugs and alcohol, many mentally ill individuals face a wide range of problems when their mental health conditions are not met with treatment. They may experience trouble on the job, which can lead to loss of employment, marital issues, and a lifestyle that may involve criminal activity. People who feel the stigma of addiction and mental illness may feel utterly alone, and they may not have the knowledge or the resources necessary to reach out for help. They may not realize that help exists for those in a low-income bracket, as well as for those on the higher end of the economic scale. Instead of getting the assistance they need, such individuals may face incarceration, homelessness, and even secondary chronic illnesses that are otherwise potentially preventable (such as cardiovascular disease). The Importance of Non-profit Treatment Centers Because mental illness and addiction affect people across all types of socioeconomic lines, resources must be available to everyone. Non-profit treatment centers provide an alternative to ignoring the issues that …show more content…
This event could be the loss of a job due to a failed drug test, an arrest that results from a crime, or the prospect of homelessness because the individual can no longer handle being in the workplace. Once a dual diagnosis has been made, an individual must have resources to turn to if the co-occurring disorders are to be managed effectively.
Various non-profit treatment centers are available for individuals faced with dual diagnoses. Residential treatment centers enable clients to experience recovery in a safe environment as they receive comprehensive care. Long-term care may be required for those suffering from severe mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, severe depression, and bipolar disorder. Short-term care is typically appropriate for people who are still functioning, but who have experienced disruptions in their lives due to their addiction and mental illness. A typical non-profit treatment program might comprise group therapy, family therapy, and individual psychotherapy. A client might also participate in a program that assists with re-entering the work force, as well as learning effective communication and coping