Depression Anxiety

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Depression, Anxiety, and Me My freshman year of highschool was the first of many attempts on my own life. I was alone, in my bedroom. Staring at the blank wall in front of me, trying to find a will to keep moving forward. I’d thought about it numerous times, so why not do it? I didn’t have a reason anymore. I remember hearing my phone go off, trying to ignore it, but answering reluctantly. And the day after, I found out the voice in my head telling me there wasn’t a point in living anymore, had a name. Depression and his friend anxiety, and having these two illnesses together, are a recipe for disaster. Mental health, in my opinion is a very controversial topic because many people think that it’s better to pretend it 's not there than to get …show more content…
According to Gregg, The Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors surveyed counseling directors and found that ninety-five percent of them said the number of students with psychological problems is a growing concern on their campus. Seventy percent of the directors believed that the number of students with severe mental health problems had increased in the past year. This means that the chances of development in mental illnesses are increased when a student begins to feel the pressure of being on their own and the stress of their classes along with homework. But that leads to the question, of dealing with the stressors life throws at us. Dealing with stress in a healthy ways like writing, listening to music, and even coloring can reduce the symptoms and eventual development of anxiety and depression. According to the Center for Collegiate Mental Health at Penn State, anxiety and depression are the most commonly diagnosed in college students. The graph below from the American Psychological Association (APA) shows that psychologists do in fact have a reason to be concerned when looking at the trend increase of depression and anxiety in college students. The graph depicts the drastic positive trend in anxiety and depression, along with their relationship. Students in college that develop the illnesses once they begin college are more likely to develop one illness over the other rather than

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