College Admissions Essay: How Depression Changed My Life

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I grew up in single parent family home where depression existed, seeing my mom cry herself to sleep while taking sleeping pills is an immensely painful memory. At a very young age, I became my mother’s care taker so that made my pain and feelings unimportant. During this time was when I felt forsaken and so pressurized to grow up. I felt I was living a nightmare. Over the years I became an older sister and caretaker to three siblings. I started raising my first sibling at age nine. I invariably felt pressured to gratify my mother even if that jeopardized my happiness and deprived me from doing things ordinary children my age desired. I found myself doing things and having the responsibility of an adult. Feeling like I was not living a normal …show more content…
In the process of satisfying my family I lost myself. This became enough for me to fall in a depression. Entering high school I was emotionally unstable, but I pulled through with the diminutive strength I had. I strived to cure myself from this morbid disorder by writing my feelings and thoughts into a journal from routinely. However, every time I found myself being alone in my household the depression in me would start to devalue my self-worth penetrating into my identity. My sophomore year I attempted suicide multiple times everything about that year was horrible I shut down and ruined my academic standing. This became intolerable to ignore so my parents found me a …show more content…
I started to surpass the depression stage in my life and wanting to pursue a career as a psychiatrist became my prime focus. I decided to brighten my horizons, I made myself so occupied that I scarcely had enough time to think of emptiness I once felt. I enrolled myself in advanced rigorous classes and joined the Performing Arts Program as well as a variety of other clubs. Gradually these distractions made me acknowledge the potential I had hidden in me to do so many things. I gained a different outlook in life and expressed all my rage, sadness and fear through music in my schools band class. I was expressing myself as well as slowly molding myself into the person I wanted. I accepted my life as it was I knew I couldn’t change it, but I positively was certain I could change my future by overcoming my fears and creating a new path of self- improvement to promote ambition and excellence . It is in my full comprehension that I first must have a higher education to achieve my goal in becoming a psychiatrist. I intend to use the passion I have acquired to help others with similar burdens to crave liberation and change to flourish in life, because I understand how immensely difficult it is to be in an environment that deprives you from being

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