Rhetorical Analysis Paramedics

Improved Essays
This paper is a rhetorical analysis of an article written about the Emergency Medical Services profession. Its purpose is to discuss the writing methods the authors use to inform their audience of the multiple forms of violence and perpetrators that anyone employed in EMS will encounter. Furthermore, it describes the form of the article and its evidence, examines the organization and visual aids, and explains the overall tone of the article. These rhetorical elements play a critical role in helping the audience grasp and truly understand what they are reading.
Keywords: paramedics, emergency medical technicians, violence

Violence Toward Emergency Services Personnel Paramedics and emergency medical technicians are usually the first medical professionals to arrive on the scene of an emergency. They provide patient care in out of hospital environments and transport them if necessary. In addition, their job also includes writing narrative reports, which are detailed summaries of both patient and treatment data. While the terms “paramedic” and “EMT” are used interchangeably, they mean two different things as their education and scope of practice differ. They both, however, must interact with a wide range of patients with diverse backgrounds. The outcomes of these interactions can be uncertain and may result in
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For example, they were able to determine that personnel who were not married were at higher risk of experiencing violence than those who were (Gormely et al. 2016, p. 444). Moreover, the case study allowed them to uncover the most recurring violent interactions that occur in the EMS setting by attaining information from people who were active and held a credential in the profession. The findings of the case study serve as a foundation for what the entire article is

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